Alcohol: What can i do to avoid a hangover -- Besides drinking water and not drinking alchol?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Alcohol: What can i do to avoid a hangover -- Besides drinking water and not drinking alchol?
Eleven answers:
2006-01-11 02:20:54 UTC
Other than the previously metioned remedies, I noticed that the quality of the alcohol effects the severty of my hangover (or even if i have one). The better the quality of the alcohol the less likely I will have a hangover. The quality of water in the country of origin used to make the liquor is also a factor. They tell you not to drink the water in Mexico for a reason. Sounds a little wierd but try it some time. Have a night out drinking cheap stuff, then try it buying a better quality brand. Popov vs. Grey Goose.

I do think staying hydrated before a night of drinking is the best solution/remedy.
Help me please!
2006-01-10 21:37:18 UTC
The only way to avoid a hangover is to cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink. You might try drinking gatorade or something like that before you go to bed.
2006-01-11 02:41:30 UTC
A really smart kid invented the chaser it is sold to be the hangover miracle and it does work while having a few glass of water does help a whole lot it is a pretty good product.
2006-01-10 21:42:50 UTC
When I drink I usually eat before hand and dont drink any wanter in between because it adds more liquid to my stomach which makes my stomach feel quezzy. Also before I go to bed I eat something like bread that will absorb most of the alcohol. that usually helps me out. But alka seltzer makes this stuff that you can drink that help with hangovers.
2016-05-20 09:35:59 UTC
Drinking daily 2 to 3 liters!
2006-01-11 13:11:52 UTC
Avoid asprin, because mixing pills and bottles is not allways safe, Try to avoid harder drinks, so you dont get drunk as fast, and you can have more. But if you insist on the Really hard stuff,(80 proof+) Try storing them in the freezer, and drinking them at -32 degrees. Please note, Your freezer will not freeze these drinks. However, If you leave a bottle of beer in your freezer, you will have a glassy beer-sickle on your hands, so only do this ith a higher content.
2006-01-10 21:29:14 UTC
TAke asprin before u go to bed and as soon as u wake up. Hope this helps. Good luck. And plz dont drink and drive!
2006-01-10 21:47:35 UTC
Eat before and after you go out, take tylenol before going to bed, and give yourself time to sleep it off in the morning.
a kinder, gentler me
2006-01-10 21:32:51 UTC
I used to smoke. After I quit smoking, I realized that most of my hangovers were not just the alchohol.

If you smoke, try quiting - it's bad for you anyway!
2006-01-10 21:38:23 UTC
My personal solution is aspirin and ALOT of water before passing out. Alcohol evaporates the body, causing the headache from dehydration. And if you do get up throughout the experience, DRINK MORE WATER, and take a couple more aspirin each time. I had an employee of mine who was a statue in one of the local pubs every night. But he was always up and ready to work the next morning. His claim was ginseng. I've never taken ginseng long enough to see if it helps with drinking and hangovers. Just a thought.
2006-01-10 21:29:57 UTC
My best suggestion is don't drink. It really is not good for you.

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