2012-07-24 23:02:33 UTC
I am doing a survey on whether the drinking age should be altered to 21 in Australia. I am looking for people who are interested in answering these 21 questions, any age and any gender. I need these questions answered because I am doing research on moral development. It doesn't matter if you are not from Australia. Please copy the questions and write if you
Strongly agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree or Strongly disagree
Thanks :)
The drinking age should be 18 years of age
The drinking age should be 21
People under the age of 18 shouldn’t be allowed to drink alcohol if their parent or guardian isn’t present
People under the age of 18 shouldn’t be allowed to drink even if their parent or guardian is present ⃝
Drink driving is extremely dangerous and life threatening
Young drivers are more likely to drink alcohol and drive than older, more experienced drivers ⃝
Young drivers are more likely to crash than older, more experienced drivers when under the influence of alcohol
Drink driving is never acceptable
It’s okay to get into a car with a person who has been drinking alcohol as long as they have their full licence
Altering the drinking age to 21 will stop underage people from drinking
The drinking age should be lowered to 16
Drinking alcohol without adult supervision is 100% safe
It’s okay to drink alcohol as long as you are with friends
It’s okay to drink alcohol as long as an adult knows
Drinking alcohol is an important part of a teenagers social life
Teenagers only drink alcohol to get drunk
It’s okay to ask strangers to buy you alcohol
Parents shouldn’t let their children drink alcohol if they are under the legal drinking age
Alcohol is a drug
Alcohol is a depressant
There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol if you are younger than the drinking age