How much alcohal can the body take if I run an IV in my arm.?
2006-03-01 17:48:57 UTC
How much alcohal can the body take if I run an IV in my arm.?
Five answers:
2006-03-01 17:54:18 UTC
if you are talking about pure grain alcohol then about an ounce. I wouldn't recommend it. You may collapse an artery and really mess up your arm for life.
Mr. Smith
2006-03-02 09:34:50 UTC
I hope you are kidding.

If you are not then I'll see you on the other side.

Alcohol directly into the blood stream will probably cause extreme pain not to mention sickness. (If you inject water into a vein you could die, so just imagine what alcohol will do.)
2006-03-01 17:49:23 UTC
Thats Crazy, NONE
..<3.. Green_pixie ..<3..
2006-03-01 17:55:56 UTC
2 beers or 4 shots will because your body isn't use to it!?!
2006-03-01 17:50:21 UTC
as much as your liver of steel can on!

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