Don't know but I would stick to something around 4 or 4.5 % as my max otherwise it's a bad night!
Just found this..
"Yorkshire brewery launches Britain’s strongest bottled beer". That's what the press release said when Old Bear launched a new brew back in November. Apparently the grand claim isn't quite true, but at 12.5% abv Duke Of Bronte Capstan FS can't have many we're getting close!
Look away 100 beers by percentage..headed by Samuel Adams..
2008-07-17 02:32:48 UTC
Big Guy seems to have wrapped up the facts and figures pretty nicely, but here's a few strong beers that I drink from time to time in the U.K, which I think are rather delicious and are relatively easy to get my hands on, compared to the 20%+ editions etc etc...
Bush Ambree (12%), Stille Nacht (12%) & Black Albert Stout (13%) ... all from Belgium.
Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout (10.6%) from U.S.A
And from the U.K. J.W. Lees Harvest Ale is not only one of the strongest beers available here at 11.5% but THE most highly rated beer according to
I get all of the above either online or via trips to Brussels and my favourite is all of them :-)
I tend to treat these beers as I would a nice port, and just have one occasionally at bedtime. My regular beers are all in the 5% to 8% range!!
2008-07-17 14:52:25 UTC
Sam Adams Utopia is generally regarded as the highest ABV of any beer. Dogfish Head also has a number of offerings nearing the top of the list including 120 min IPA, Raison D'extra, and the World Wide Stout.
Samichlaus is often recognized the to world's strongest lager.
2008-07-17 01:43:36 UTC
Once the volume is over 14.5 % it stops becomming a beer and becomes a fortified or barley wine. But you can get close. Tennants super, Kestrel Super, Skol super strength are around the 10.5 mark, but it tastes like metal. If I could guess, that must be what mercury would taste like.
It was strong ciders that were the problem for being strong and cheap. Posh ones like K were 8.4 and cheap ones like Strongbow super 8.4 got a ribbing and were told to drop it to 7.5. That is when White Lightning and Frosty Jack came in doing 3 litre bottles with 50% extra and the kids started buying it. Beer didn't go through the same restrictions so you can still buy it at 10.5%.
They both taste awful, but if you mix half strong beer and half strong cider, it makes it almost drinkable. And if you can drink 1 pint, you'll forget about the taste when you start your second!
2008-07-17 01:28:34 UTC
Belgian stuff usually....
2008-07-17 01:52:21 UTC
It's 9.9% Alcohol. Anything 10% or higher is considered malt liquer. Joose is also loaded with energy supplements and caffine. But watch it, you drink too much Joose you will lose lithium, which can result in depression
2008-07-17 01:37:55 UTC
I've had a number a Belgian beers that go to 12-13%, one called Delirium Tremens! It has a picture of a pink Elephant on the label! All bought locally.
2008-07-17 01:35:33 UTC
Canadian beer,it has a high content then America beer, 6%
2008-07-17 01:34:41 UTC
I think Douplebock has a higher alcohol content
Big Guy
2008-07-17 01:38:37 UTC
This is straight from Wikipedia. I hate copying and pasting answers, but I honestly didn't know. I knew about the Utopias that Sam Adams make but I didn't know they were nearly 26%
"The strength of beers has climbed during the later years of the 20th century. Vetter 33 a 10.5% abv (33 degrees Plato, hence Vetter "33") doppelbock was listed in the 1994 Guinness Book of World Records as the strongest beer at that time,[46][47] though Samichlaus, by the Swiss brewer Hürlimann, had also been listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the strongest at 14% abv.[48][49][50]
Since then some brewers have used champagne yeasts to increase the alcohol content of their beers. Samuel Adams reached 20% abv with Millennium[51] and then surpassed that amount to 25.6% abv with Utopias. The strongest beer sold in Britain was Delaware's Dogfish Head's World Wide Stout, a 21% abv stout which was available from UK Safeways in 2003.[52] In Japan in 2005, the Hakusekikan Beer Restaurant sold an eisbock, strengthened through freeze distillation, believed to be 28% abv.[53] The beer that is considered to be the strongest yet made is Hair of the Dog's Dave—a 29% abv barley wine made in 1994. The strength was achieved by freeze distilling a 10% ale twice.[54]"
Flavor Vortex
2008-07-17 03:59:39 UTC
Big Guy got it, the strongest commercially available beer is Sam Adam's Utopias with honorable mentions going to both Dogfish Head World Wide Stout and 120 Minute IPA. The Maltose Falcons, whom are a relatively well know and long standing homebrew club, managed to make a beer stronger than Utopias though which clocked in around 28% ABV. These are all naturally achieved though, not through freeze distillation.
Samichlaus to my knowledge is still the strongest LAGER though.
2008-07-17 18:45:59 UTC
Ok, the Dogfish Head is the 120 minute IPA, NOT 129, but its seasonal and VERY hard to find (not as hard a the Utopia though). Highest NON-SEASONAL I know of is Avery's Samael at 15.5%abv, but again, it's pretty hard to find (and it's $9 for a 12 oz bottle). If you are only worried about high abv and not taste, grab some Baltika #9. It's got a 9%abv and it's only $2 a bottle. Tastes like crap though lol.
2008-07-17 01:28:01 UTC
Gold Label But its not strictly beer but barley wine
2008-07-17 01:30:36 UTC
Super tennants got quite a kick!
2008-07-17 01:30:30 UTC
super beer but it is sooo sickly a nice strong one wud be stella for me
Mayor Adam West
2008-07-17 08:28:25 UTC
Most people think it is Sam Adam's Utopia ( )at 27% ABV, unfortunately they are incorrect. Hair of the Dog Dave is at 29% ABV ( ).
Unfortunately, neither are currently available...unless you are INCREDIBLY lucky and find a Utopia still sitting around from last years run.
The currently available and highest ABV that I know of is Dogfish Head's 120 Minute IPA at 21% ABV.