Ok. So I usually get drunk every weekendd at parties. So my friends and I also get drunk during school. One time our principal almost cached us since we were just laughing for no reason. So one time my friend and I drank different beers all at once. We drank tequila, Modelo, Wiski, Wine, and all kinds of different beers that we could possibly find, ALL at once. When we were in school we couldn’t control ourselves in class. We couldn’t even stand up. LOL if was funny, our teachers were suspicious about our behavior, since you could smell the liquor when we talked or just by simply being near us. LOL. Also, since our locker smelled like we had a ton of beer in it. It was funny.
But is it ok if you drink all kinds of different beers all at one time?
Or is it even ok for someone my age to even drink every weekend?
And trust me I don’t drink one or two beers at the party, I can drink a whole 6 or 12 pack.