I agree with you and we are right.
It is the alcohol. All other reasons stated are crazy urban legend, ill-informed, uneducated opinions. Any beer, wine, or distilled alcohol will give anyone a headache when consumed in excess. Only in a very rare case will a small dose of alcohol cause a headache. Such a case is some of the drinks that contain co goners. Another is a very rare allergy-very rare.
Proper beer contains-is brewed from, any cereal grain including barley, wheat, oat, rice, corn, etc. If you wish to follow an antiquated and as myself and others have tried again and again to educated others here, an anti-competition law/rule from Germany then go for it. But it is for Germans only and no other country takes it seriously-only a very small group of people with a very limit understanding of beer follow such a ridiculous rule.
The only thing beechwood aging does to a Budweiser beer is allow for a greater surface area for the yeast to contact the wort. This allows for a better attenuation of the wort by the yeast. The beechwood itself imparts absolutely no flavors or chemicals at all to the beer. It is insert to beer.
Additives? Although I would not put it past the food industry in general to add them to foods none are in beer. At least no one I have talked with has confirmed it. In the past yes but not today.
Does anyone have a source/proof of additives in today's beers? Thanks a bunch for your help/research.