What’s the best way to cure a hangover?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What’s the best way to cure a hangover?
298 answers:
2010-08-26 10:43:44 UTC
Ounce of prevention. If you drink alcohol, drink water before bed. Sleep with your head slightly more elevated than you normally would. Failing that... the morning after, drink water (not alcohol) the hangover symptoms are caused by dehydration as a result of alcohol inhibiting ADH in your body. ADH is anti-diuretic hormone which is your body's way of maintaining adequate hydration. Alcohol blocks this (which is why you pee like crazy when drinking) and you dry out. Aspirin is recommended if you have a headache. Do NOT take Tylenol or any acetaminophen product as it will trash your liver which is already hurting from the alcohol.
2010-08-26 10:45:34 UTC
Drink plenty of water and try to sleep through the worst of it. When you do wake up have something to eat and some fruit juice.
2010-08-26 10:48:03 UTC
Re hydrating; Drink a lot of fluids. (water, fruit juice or sport drinks, *but NOT the artificially sweetened ones*) Take two aspirin.
Shawn F
2010-08-26 14:44:18 UTC
The best way is to drink water throughout the course of the evening. Have a couple beers than a glass of water. If you keep that up the whole night the chances of your hangover will diminish drastically.

Alcohol dehydrates your body and your brain is telling you that with the pain inside your skull. I've suffered many a hangover and I find this is the only way to HELP prevent them, but it is by no means a guarantee.
2010-08-26 12:18:18 UTC
Sleep is the best way to resolve hangover
2010-09-03 14:33:33 UTC
Hangovers are easy to cure. All you have to do is break them down into individual symptoms and treat accordingly.

Common symptoms include: Fatigue, dehydration, headache and nausea.

Fatigue - If you stay up all night partying and only get a few hours of sleep (or none at all) you're not going to be feeling good even if you didn't drink. Throw in the fact that alcohol disrupts your sleep patterns and you're REALLY going to be tired. Obviously more sleep will cure this. In fact enough sleep can generally cure your hangover completely... of course that doesn't help when you have to get up in the morning for work or school. So usually your choice is coffee, tea, or energy drinks. Also consider taking a short nap during lunch.

Dehydration - As the old joke goes, "How can I be so thirsty when I drank so much last night?". Well the sad truth is alcohol is not hydrating. It in fact is quite the opposite. This is one case where an ounce of prevention is worth ten pounds of cure. While water and sports drinks obviously are the best; almost any *non-alcoholic* beverage (including coffee and soda) will hydrate you. So during your night have a few non-alcoholic drinks in between those beers, and some right before you go to sleep. Too late for prevention? Just drink water or sports drinks now to get rid of that cotton mouth.

Headache - You wake up after a night of drinking and your head is pounding. The most obvious cure is of course pain meds. But there's also another solution: the ol' hair of the dog that bit you. The headache is partially due to alcohol withdrawal, so a small amount of booze will help immensely. Often people choose a bloody mary for this purpose because of its nutritious veggie juice content. Although hair of the dog of course has some problems; drinking early in the morning makes you look like an alcoholic and if you're feeling sick enough more liquor may be the last thing on earth you want. So whether you take some pills or a small nip depends on how you're feeling. Just don't do both, any doc will tell you that pills + alcohol = bad news.

Nausea - This is the sign of a very, very bad hangover. The worst you can get. If you're hungover and feel like throwing up (or actually do) then you are undoubtedly QUITE aware you drank too much. Hence I won't mention prevention at this point, that would only add insult to injury. Your best bet for cure is to take some Pepto-Bismol or Kaopectate. (Bismuth subsalicylate) It lines your stomach and should help make you feel less queasy.

Treat any and all of these symptoms as I've described and you should be right at as rain. Well... maybe not, but at least you won't feel like the only cure for your pain is a gun with one bullet. Even with the worst nightmare hangover you should feel good enough to get through your day, and I'd say that's what matters most.
2010-08-26 10:46:19 UTC
i find eating toast and drinking plenty of water (and a few headache tablets) is the best way to go, but personally i tend to eat the toast and drink the water before i go to bed, see hangovers are pretty much dehydration from the alcohol, so doing this tends to prevent hangovers completely :)

P.S. if you have the day off work or w/e just stay in bed for half the day too, resting will help you alot, trying to fight it and doign too much will jsut make you feel worse.
2010-08-31 23:26:51 UTC
The best way to cure a hangover is actually preperation before. A hangover occurs when there is too much alcohol in ur blood which causes dehydration. So drink a lot of water and when you drink you should have little or no hangover. If you happen to get a hangover any thing with carbs is good because it soaks the alcohol off of you liver (such as breads, pancakes, muffins, and more) also starchy vegetables like potatoes or things high in starch are good. And always drink lots of water whether you feel it helps or not because it rehydrates your body after dehydrating it by drinkin
2010-08-26 11:50:02 UTC
Prevention is better than cure. I always take a multivitamin before bed. That seems to generally curb it - no idea why.

If you do get a hangover, a bacon sandwich and cup of tea help a lot!
2010-08-26 11:13:08 UTC
B Vitamins. Dr. David N. Penton
2010-08-28 13:48:02 UTC
You can start preventing a hangover the moment you start drinking. Pace yourself. Sprinkle snacks throughout the night. Alternate alcoholic beverages with nonalcoholic ones (especially water). Don't keep drinking right up until you hit the hay. Stop drinking. Have something to eat. Have something to drink besides alcohol. (Water is a good bet, but I have found I'm in the clear even if I just have milk or soda or something.) It doesn't hurt to take a couple Ibuprofen before you go to bed, if you think you're likely to be hung over the next day. Then sleep late the next day (sleep through it) if you can.
2015-01-11 05:35:17 UTC
Headache - You wake up after a night of drinking and your head is pounding. The most obvious cure is of course pain meds. But there's also another solution: the ol' hair of the dog that bit you. The headache is partially due to alcohol withdrawal, so a small amount of booze will help immensely. Often people choose a bloody mary for this purpose because of its nutritious veggie juice content. Although hair of the dog of course has some problems; drinking early in the morning makes you look like an alcoholic and if you're feeling sick enough more liquor may be the last thing on earth you want. So whether you take some pills or a small nip depends on how you're feeling. Just don't do both, any doc will tell you that pills + alcohol = bad news.
2016-10-07 04:28:44 UTC
Best Thing For A Hangover
2010-09-01 04:06:10 UTC
A hangover is caused by the lack of water in the brain due to the excessive amounts of alcohol. Drinking plenty of water while consuming alcohol can prevent a hangover, but it could also be a good way to cure it as well. And be sure to replenish your body's electrolytes as well. If you are nauseous, go to a toilet, stick a finger down your throat, and let it all out. If you can, sleep as much as possible. Stay away from the caffeine. And this may seem a bit far fetched, but drinking a Bloody Mary is also a good help. The body will see the new alcohol and greet it like a good buddy coming to visit while treating the old alcohol like a pregnant cat that is becoming annoying by demanding too much attention. Be sure to avoid painkillers as well. I know, you just want to break into a bottle of aspirin to get rid of that annoying headache, but most over-the-counter pain medications are blood thinners, as well as alcohol. That's why no tattoo artists will work on you when you're drunk. So, while your blood is thinned by the previous night of binging, adding a second blood thinner is a bad idea.
2010-08-30 01:39:44 UTC
If your slobbering voting republican drunk, and I have been, when I was in college, I would be blind for three days.

Your liver is toxic,and cannot process anymore alcohol. The bile in your stomach still has alcohol to be processed. I would recommend throwing up...first drink water then flush you stomach. Once empty drink a glass of tomato juice with Tobasco or Louisiana hot sauce (just a shot), and a dash of worchestershire sauce. This should get you up...running and screaming! You still have no brain. It needs to be made smaller. Your body is dehydrated and low on electrolytes. Gatorade is great, and should feel the results in minutes. Aspirin to shrink the brain. Important. Your stomach is empty and rough from the alcohol. Never take aspirin on an empty stomach, because aspirin will cause it to bleed. Eat some toast. Crackers are even better. You are done.

Vitamin B-12. If you have a team doctor, or are in Mexico (go to the local mexican pharmacy) they will give you a vitamin B-12 shot, and in an hour you are not hung over, and feel great. I have gotten vitamin B-12 shots on most continents around the world. In the U.S.A. I had a team doctor.
2010-08-31 06:41:03 UTC
Well no matter how much alcohol you drink, the body gets dehydrated no matter what. You need to make sure you drink at least 8oz of water before you go to bed. After you wake up in the morning, make sure you have some B Vitamins as well as either a large Poweraide or Gatorade. I prefer Poweraide myself, but whatever floats your boat. You will need the electrolights that are in the drink. This will help with the muscle cramping that can happen when you are dehydrated too. Try to get the Poweraide zero, because it contains No sugar. Make sure you drink plenty of water and try eating something soft like a banana as well. Now it may also help, if you do not have to go into work the next day, to make a bloody mary with double the vodka and taking the B vitamins with it. Plus the water.

Hope I helped.
Marcus&Egypt's Mom
2010-08-29 14:44:39 UTC
Re-hydrating your self is the best, but also sipping on another drink throughout the day will help too. I have heard everyone say that alcohol dehydrates you and that is why you suffer the ill effects the next day (which is true), but you also can suffer when your body becomes chemically dependent on the liquor. If you have had a long night of drinking shots and pure liquor your brain has developed a dependency on it. By sipping another drink throughout the day (not really strong) you will lessen the effects. So my advice would be water plus another drink.......and as with all drugs (aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen) it is not good to take a lot of these meds after drinking. The liver metabolizes (breaks down) all the drugs and will not work as well after being worked so much breaking down alcohol into acetic acid (yeah...that's vinegar).
2015-01-10 22:07:57 UTC
Dehydration - As the old joke goes, "How can I be so thirsty when I drank so much last night?". Well the sad truth is alcohol is not hydrating. It in fact is quite the opposite. This is one case where an ounce of prevention is worth ten pounds of cure. While water and sports drinks obviously are the best; almost any *non-alcoholic* beverage (including coffee and soda) will hydrate you. So during your night have a few non-alcoholic drinks in between those beers, and some right before you go to sleep. Too late for prevention? Just drink water or sports drinks now to get rid of that cotton mouth.
2010-08-29 06:52:24 UTC
Prevention is always better cure. Not to the extent of not drinking whatsoever, perhaps, but drinking a large amount of water (or even an electrolyte-filled drink like Gatorade etc) and the recommended dose of aspirin before bed is a good idea. Making sure that you drink on a full stomach, also a good idea. Keep a bottle of water by your bed so that if you wake up parched, you can guzzle down some water without risking waking up enough to not be able to go back to sleep. Getting a good solid sleep is important, so having no distractions (tv, music etc) will help.

For me, mornings after are best with juice. Having juice in the fridge is a MUST. Juice is refreshing, yummy and good for you. Alcohol depletes B-group vitamins, so a juice containing bananas is a good idea. Even better is having fresh fruit and making your own juice. But who can be bothered with that when you can barely see and your clothes reek of cheap cocktails and the sweat one only gets when dancing to 90s pop?

Next is breakfast. Some prefer a greasy fry-up. Some people like something a little bourgeois, like a gluten-free swedish pancakes with quail eggs and a soy chai latte. I like something pretty simple, like some leftover pizza or possibly crispy bacon and some toast. Whatever floats your boat, just make sure you eat something, preferably something wholesome.

I would say to avoid caffeine, cause it can further dehydrate you. If you really want a coffee; drink some water afterwards. According to my friend, a small dose of caffeine is good as it contracts your blood vessels that alcohol dilated. I have no idea whether this is fact or simply something that someone read off a coaster.

For the rest of the day, you should take it easy and just watch a DVD with some friends, complain about how bad your hangover is and eat some pizza. Don't make the day after a big night to be when you meet your partners parents, or when you apply for a new job.

To recap:

Drink on full stomach.

Drink water before bed. Paracetamol.

Keep water beside bed.

Get a good, long, uninterrupted, undistracted sleep.

Drink some water and juice first thing. Up the Vitamin B!

Eat a good breakfast.

Take it easy!
2015-03-19 07:06:53 UTC
Fatigue - If you stay up all night partying and only get a few hours of sleep (or none at all) you're not going to be feeling good even if you didn't drink. Throw in the fact that alcohol disrupts your sleep patterns and you're REALLY going to be tired. Obviously more sleep will cure this. In fact enough sleep can generally cure your hangover completely... of course that doesn't help when you have to get up in the morning for work or school. So usually your choice is coffee, tea, or energy drinks. Also consider taking a short nap during lunch.
2010-08-31 18:26:15 UTC
Well, even though I am not a drinker, the fact remains that a "hangover" is simply withdrawal symptoms of alcohol. Your body gets a super dose of alcohol the night before, then when you pass out, the dosing of alcohol is abruptly stopped thus producing the following uncomfortable feelings: throbbing head, dehydration, nausea, etc. The best quick cure? Drink or sip a beer or the hair of whatever dog bit you the previous night! This way your system can slowly recover without any sudden changes. The caveat-if I spelled that correctly!- is to not let the cure turn back into the cause!
2010-08-31 23:49:31 UTC
Drink Plenty Of Water When You Get Home, Before Going To Bed.

And Also When Waking Up Drink Plenty Of Water, Take A Shower, And That Should Do It.

It Always Works For Me.
2010-09-02 23:12:54 UTC
Before you go to bed drink anything like gatorade or a sports drink that actually puts more hydration in your body than just plain water. However each person is different. If you wake up with a headache take two Advil Migraine or what ever usally works best for you, you may want to double up on the dose and take four. Just don't make this a habit. Chugging Advil isn't good. If this is a once and a while thing it can work. Works for me may not work for others, but just plain water only rejuvinates the alchohol in my system and it's like getting drunk allover again.
2010-09-02 02:53:42 UTC
During my decade of drinking (heavily and frequently) hangovers were no stranger to me. In spite of all the hangover remedies I heard about over the years, I discovered only one method that's 100% reliable.

As difficult as it may seem to a person who feels like they're ready to hurl, the only sure-fire cure to a hangover is a "hair of the dog that bit you." If you got your hangover from drinking beer, you need to drink the same kind of beer to get rid of your hangover. It won't taste as good as it did the night before. But, you only really need to drink about 4 to 6 ounces. If you're not feeling totally fine within a half hour, skip all breakfast foods and hit Ponderosa steak house for a steak and baked potato.

If you were up all night long drinking and carrying on, and didn't get enough sleep, you'll still be tired. But, the hangover will be history.
Steven M
2010-09-01 08:43:22 UTC
Old School. Drink a glass of Alka-Seltzer before you go to bed.

This supplies water for re-hydration, Aspirin for the headache, and a anti-acid for the upset stomach.

When you wake up you won't have a headache or a upset stomach. You will have low blood sugar. The best cure for that is a little raw honey in your morning drink.Honey has complex sugars that will pick you up and make you ready for the day. Also it won't wear off as quickly like simple sugars in soda or other sweats.

I've tried the 'hair of the dog' and that only makes you as drunk as you were before you went to bed. If your planning on drinking all day the next day this is the best cure.
2010-08-28 17:18:24 UTC
1. If you can remember to do so, stop drinking as early as you can. The more time you have to metabolize the alcohol before you go to bed is definitely the best solution (from my experiences). Drink water after that if you are like me and always want to have a drink in your hand.

2. Drink more water before bed. Have a glass ready for you when you wake up.

3. Get some alka-seltzer and drink it with water (preferably the one you wake up with) as soon as possible. As bad as it tastes when you are sober, this is particularly refreshing when you are hungover. This will help with the stomach and digestive issues and help a little with the headache.

4. Take some ibuprofen (NOT acetaminophen) for the headache.

5. If you can, sleep.

6. If you can hold it down, eat a greasy meal. It is supposed to replenish the B vitamins and help with metabolism of the alcohol. The rumors are true and it does help (at least it helps me) in feeling better after a hangover.
2010-08-31 17:24:22 UTC

Sleep. Rest is your best friend at this point to give your body a recover. It is best to stay in bed so call in to work if you have to, tell them you have the stomach flu. You will sound so horrible on the phone they may believe you (unless they saw you at the bar, not a good idea then).

Replenish your body with fruit juice and water.

Avoid caffeine. A weak cup of coffee may be okay but a lot of caffeine will continue to dehydrate you, the opposite of what you want right now.

Drink orange juice for Vitamin C.

Drink a sports drink like Gatorade or Powerade.

Eat mineral rich food like pickles or canned fish.

In Poland, drinking pickle juice is a common remedy.

Drink a Bloody Mary. While the popular phrase “hair of the dog that bit you” may sound logical with a shot of whiskey left in the bottle next to your bed, it’s only temporary. Try a Bloody Mary instead, while your blood is dealing with the new alcohol it is ignoring the old and in the mean time tomato juice and celery are full of vitamins. If you drank the last of the vodka make a Virgin Mary. Another spicy morning after drink option is Hair of the Dog, in which gin and hot sauce are sure to bite your hangover back.

Take a shower, switching between cold and hot water.

In Ireland it was said that the cure for a hangover is to bury the ailing person up to the neck in moist river sand.

Try Alka Seltzer Morning Relief. One reader says that it's all that he and his wife have found that really works for them. He stumbled across this "cure" while his wife was still suffering after two days, within 15 minutes after taking the Alka Seltzer she was fine.

Get some exercise. Another reader suggests doing some sort of physical activity. He writes, "In the rare case of having hangover I usually drink about 1-2 liters of water and go outside to do some exercise like mountain climbing, swimming, cycling or just about anything that keeps me sweating." It takes willpower to move like that when standing seems like a challenge, but it is a good theory.

The side effects of aspirin, Tylenol and ibuprofen can be magnified when alcohol is in your system, so it is best (even though it may be the first thing you reach for) to avoid them to kill the hangover pain. Aspirin is a blood thinner, just like alcohol, and can intensify its effects and Tylenol (or acetaminophen) can cause more damage to your liver. Ibuprofen can also cause stomach bleeding. So be cautious when going for the quick relief.

Watch the video: Hangover Remedies. Jonathan Stewart demonstrates how to make a blended hangover remedy. There are a more than a few ingredients so you may want to have everything organized prior to overindulging.

As an antidote, one reader takes a little extra multi B vitamin and drinks a lot of water before going to sleep.
2015-02-26 13:56:45 UTC
Nausea - This is the sign of a very, very bad hangover. The worst you can get. If you're hungover and feel like throwing up (or actually do) then you are undoubtedly QUITE aware you drank too much. Hence I won't mention prevention at this point, that would only add insult to injury. Your best bet for cure is to take some Pepto-Bismol or Kaopectate. (Bismuth subsalicylate) It lines your stomach and should help make you feel less queasy.
2010-08-29 17:14:24 UTC
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth! One table spoon in a small glass of water before you go out or before you go to bed. And if you don't take it twice a day on a regular basis you might do the same when you wake up.

This "flour" is good for a hundred things, do your own research to decide for yourself on its uses.

I actually took it to help clean out my system. The doctor was taking me off a prescription that had I gone cold turkey, I would have been very dizzy and fainted for days until my body became unhooked to it.

This hangover cure was nothing but pure accident! I was taking it twice a day and one day I drank WAY too much. Enough to not remember many things about the night before. But I drank the dirt out of habit more than anything and I woke up in the morning feeling fine. And who feels fine after a night of drinking to the point where you can't remember much!!! No one.... unless you take this D.E.

I told my brother-in-law about it and gave him some. One night he drank to much and had some and felt great the next morning.

I actually feel guilty about telling people about this because a hang over is a warning not to do that too often. Makes you think twice! So please drink responsibly and get a designated driver!
2010-08-27 16:33:56 UTC
Every time I wake up after a full night of partying I always feel absolutely terrible. So after I slowly crawl out of bed I usually drink a lot of water. Also, a big breakfast is good during a hangover. My personal favorite is Eggs and bacon but anything will do.

Then if I'm still not feeling great I smoke some medical marijuana and that pretty much always makes the hangover go away.

Oh, and I should add that there is a way to stop hangovers from even starting. If you drink a lot of water while you drink alcohol you will still feel drunk but wake up the next morning without a hangover. The best way to cure a hangover is to make sure it doesn't even start.
2014-10-26 14:05:12 UTC
, but also sipping on another drink throughout the day will help too. I have heard everyone say that alcohol dehydrates you and that is why you suffer the ill effects the next day (which is true), but you also can suffer when your body becomes chemically dependent on the liquor. If you have had a long night of drinking shots and pure liquor your brain has developed a dependency on it. By sipping another drink throughout the day (not really strong) you will lessen the effects. So my advice would be water plus another drink.......and as with all drugs (aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen) it is not good to take a lot of these meds after drinking. The liver metabolizes (breaks down) all the drugs and will not work as well after being worked so much breaking down alcohol into acetic acid (yeah...that's vinegar
2010-09-01 13:28:55 UTC
I prefer prevention to cure. I don't know if this will work for everyone, but it works for me.

When you get in from your night out, pour yourself a big glass of water or fruit juice and some toast and then sit in front of the telly for 30 minutes to an hour. It gives you time to get your head straight and rehydrate. After that go to bed to sleep the rest off, and take another glass of water with you.

In the morning if you're still feeling rough, get another big glass of water or juice and another round of toast and chill in front of the telly again (preferably some good old crappy daytime TV like Jeremy Kyle) until you're feeling better.

Even if you really don't want to eat, make sure you drink as much water or juice as possible. Replenishing fluids is vital.

Oh, and have a shower at some point too to wash the smell of alcohol off your hair and skin, that makes me feel better anyway. Turn up the water temp, sweating it out feels pretty good too.
2010-08-29 16:03:39 UTC
Okay, everyone here is listing the "scientific way" to cure a hangover.

I will tell you the real truth. First, before bed, drink two glasses of water. Second, when you wake up, try to gulp down another glass even though it is going to be awful. Next, go eat the most disgusting, greasy, breakfast sandwich you can find (I will 100% recommend McDonald's Mc Muffin). Once you have your stomach somewhat full, you need to shower to sweat everything out. After the shower, take a 45 minute nap and VOILA! Hangover cured!
2010-08-29 07:50:17 UTC
The first step: Drink a glass of water for every 2-3 drinks you have. This is the most important part of this equation. This helps maintain some hydration.

Step two: Before you go to bed, eat a banana. Seriously.

Step three: When you wake up, eat a banana. Seriously. Also, eat a healthy breakfast (oatmeal, apple, cereal, and avoid milk)

Step four: Drink water, gatorade, or apple juice. Gatorade is good, I have found that apple juice is best. Take an aspirin and feel better.
2010-08-29 01:03:21 UTC
Like so many before the answer is water. A Hangover is cause by dehydration. Alcohol dehydrates so you have to replace the fluid you lost and water works the best. Lots of people swear by 'hair of the dog' but really that's jus adding to the problem because more alcohol = more dehydration. Beverages with caffiene like coffee and sugary drinks are also to be avoided because they increase dehydation,

I rarely ever indulge in drinking these days but I discovered long algo that if I included drinking water in between other drinks and took a big glass of water to bed with me and drank every time I worke up I often had no hang over at all when I woke up.
2014-09-15 21:53:48 UTC
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2010-08-29 05:03:42 UTC
The symptoms of a hangover are actually the start of the detox process. When you drink alcohol, it puts brain cells to sleep. That's where the "buzz" comes from. Your body tries to fight that off because it sees this as a threat. The result is that when the alcohol is gone, your nerves are overstimulated. That's where the headache and nausea come from. If you are a heavy drinker, you may also notice that you shake during this process. In chronic alcoholics this process can be, and often is, fatal due to seizures and strokes. More people die detoxing from alcohol than from any other drug.

As far as a cure? Marijuana is the only non prescription remedy that I know. Of course it's illegal in most states so that could lead to worse problems.
2010-08-28 15:30:34 UTC
Since this is obviously the morning after and hindsight is useless, a remedy I have tried and many friends have now tried and works is, eating a nice chunk of English cucumber. Like 1/4-1/3 or so. It is easy on an upset tummy and gives it just enough to get rid of the nausea, It contains whopping amounts of vit B"s, and is 99% water. The fiber of the cuc helps the tummy to hold onto the water without feeling bloated or vomiting. It seems to work with any hangover caused from various spirits and also just feels plain refreshing with that kind of morning.
2010-08-31 21:08:11 UTC
As someone who used to drink quite often with all the guys when growing up, I acquired many, many hangovers. I tried everything I could find from water to theaspirinn to the hair of the dog that bit me. I finally came across a remedy that has worked for me in many instances. I wake up the next morning and go to the dairy queen for a chocolate malt. Not recommending it works for everyone but it has always worked for me and I highly recommend trying it. About 20-30 minutes later, you can definitely tolerate the day.

good luck.
2010-08-31 07:03:13 UTC
I don't think I can answer better than Marcus already did. I like to get a little food and water into my stomach before I crash after a night of partying. In the morning I usually feel perfectly fine but if not, it's nothing major, maybe a little headache or slight nausea, then I just drink more water and wait it out.
2010-08-28 14:42:02 UTC
For one, the question is how to cure a hangover. So you holier-than-thou non-drinkers don't need to keep telling us not to drink. You don't get it, you never will, so thanks for the advice.

For me, I love to drink, and being a fan of booze, I can tell you I've gone through a TON of hangovers. Now everyone has all these medical idea's and descriptions with links on the scientific ways to get rid of a hangover, but who has all the crap laying around? Plus, water taste like crap when you're hungover.

So what do I do to cure a hangover? Quite simply, I eat! Greasy foods rock for hangovers. Cause any of you drinkers out there know how nice it is to hit the local Denny's after you leave the bar. It helps and gets something besides booze in your system. I mean what kind of drinker is sitting there preparing for "Not having a hangover?"

Seriously, I laugh at that, when you go out drinking you're thinking about the fun you're going to have, the flirting you're going to do, and the potential after party's. So drinkers, face it we're going to get hangovers, so you might as well stuff your face, Jack In The Box, Denny's, that's the real drinkers cure for the hangover. :)
2014-06-28 18:25:34 UTC
If you happen to get a hangover any thing with carbs is good because it soaks the alcohol off of you liver (such as breads, pancakes, muffins, and more) also starchy vegetables like potatoes or things high in starch are good. And always drink lots of water whether you feel it helps or not because it rehydrates your body after dehydrating it by drinkin
2014-06-17 10:01:34 UTC
For me the best remedy to remove hangover is to use DIFRESH ANTI-HANGOVER spray. I am using this spray all the time when I go to drink some alcohol and also day after. This is a mouth spray with a fresh peppermint flavor that contains components to aid the body in the process of alcohol metabolization and promote its eliminatio. I recommend it to all people. I bought this spray in
2014-09-16 14:00:52 UTC
I love gatorade or sports drinks. I have also had use the vitamin enhance packets that go in a bottle of water. Tomato juice works really well too!! As far as aspirin or ibupr, be careful because taking these with alcohol are not good, but if you wake up with a headache in the middle of the night go take some and go back to sleep.
2010-08-30 09:19:07 UTC
Drink plenty water between each beer or malt liquor or, if youre drinking liquor, between every 3 shots.

Eat something small, preferably something with wheat or yeast, such as bread, which will absorb some of the alcohol.

Take 2 aspirin right before sleep, which will prevent a headache in the morning.

If you do all 3 of these things before going to sleep drunk, you will not even feel like you drank the night before!
2010-09-03 15:51:03 UTC
Vinegar. Yes, prevention is the best, but, if your asking for remedies, it's probably too late for that. Anything vinegar based, or just apple cider vinegar mixed with water. Down the hatch! My first job ever was as a bartender, and when any employee showed up for work hungover, he would make them dunk a beer mug into a 5 gallon bucket of saurkraut and drink the juice. Worked everytime! You can get vinegar from pickles, olives, or, like I said, straight from the bottle.
2010-08-28 07:10:22 UTC
1. Take an aspirin first thing in the morning. It helps with the headache.

2. Drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee. It gives you a little jolt, and its liquid, which helps with the dehydration.

3. Brush your teeth. Gets the "cat poop" out of your mouth.

4. Take a shower. Gets the nasty smells off of your body.

5. Take a dump (note: more than 1 may be required). Clears out the toxins in your innards.

6. Eat a big, cooked breakfast. Puts some good, and needed nurishment in your body.

7. Take a nap. To make up for the lack of sleep you had during the night.

Do them (with the exception of # 5, which can be done when needed) in this order!
2010-08-27 23:29:20 UTC
Drink as much water as you can and keep a big water bottle by your bedside. Anything with potassium and B vitaims as soon as you can and the next day. I love gatorade or sports drinks. I have also had use the vitamin enhance packets that go in a bottle of water. Tomato juice works really well too!! As far as aspirin or ibupr, be careful because taking these with alcohol are not good, but if you wake up with a headache in the middle of the night go take some and go back to sleep.
2010-09-01 13:03:27 UTC
Drink club soda, it instantaneously cures a hangover. Also you'd be more prone to getting drunk if you hadn't eaten the night before. Some hot soup could do the trick. Also for the headache, some painkillers would be fine [=
2010-08-28 11:10:48 UTC
Have some water to drink before bed (more the better)

Have plenty of sleep and get a solid breakfast when you wake up, drink plenty of fruit juice too to regain lost water and sugars.

Some hangovers are incurable though, if you decide to get really drunk you will pay the price the day after that's for sure.
2014-09-30 19:57:12 UTC
By bringing children up on a healthy diet and encouraging them to take regular excercise rather than allowing them to sit on their backsides and play computer games throughout their childhoods. However this does not mean you stop them from eating sweets and chocolate, you just balance that with fruit and vegetables, and praise them for the healthy things they eat as well as the excercise they take. You turn the exercise into a game, or play active games with them. Positive reinforcement and lots of encouragement all round. Equally, children are easily influenced so will copy what adults and older children do so ensure that you also have a healthy diet and take regular exercise. THis could be as simple as walking children to and from school.
2010-08-29 10:13:51 UTC
1) Before the drinking take plenty of vitamine B complex.

2) After the drinking, but before falling asleep, take a couple of glasses of water.

3) sleep.

4) When awake , take a shower , a breakfast with scrambled eggs ( if possible ) and drink water as much as you can/like.

5) Then go outside for 2 hours , walking, with fresh air.

After 3 o'clock in the afternoon you should be ready for the first beer of the day.
2010-08-28 09:01:31 UTC
It is plain and simple. By drinking alcohol, you become dehydrated. By this, you lose electrolytes. So something that replaces both electrolytes and dehydration is a sports drink. Only problem is, sports drinks are not too good for you. So that is why I recommend coconut water. It is the water from a young coconut. You can get it at Whole Foods or just about any health oriented grocery store. In a serving of coconut water, you get twice the potassium of a banana, a mineral lost in sweat.
2010-08-27 11:03:03 UTC
As a hangover is literally caused by the brain being dehydrated i suggest drinking a glass of water before going to bed, also ensure you are wrapped up in bed well and that you get a good 8-10 hours of sleep as some of the alcohol could be sweated out in bed and you are less likely to feel the effects when you do wake up.
2010-09-02 22:14:25 UTC
Load my stomach before I drink, something like bread, with lots of carbs and vitamin B. For every alcoholic drink, have a non-alcoholic drink to chase it down. Come morning, orange juice or tomato juice to replace electrolytes, (if not nauseous), vitamin B tabs and aspirin. Tylenol and Motrin are NOT GOOD for you if you have alcohol in your system-- one kills your liver, one kills your kidneys. If I have nausea, I drink several cups of water and a dose of Pepto-Bysmal, which makes me vomit, which makes me feel better. Then I take the above, substituting camomile tea for the orange juice. I'm an LPN, and I haven't actually had a hangover in 20 years.
2010-09-02 13:22:07 UTC
Tripe soup aka "Mexican menudo." A New Year's Day tradition or just that needed traditional weekend to excuse yourself for a time of celebration! Which includes a spicy soup made from tripe, chile, hominy and spices. Served with lemon slices, onion, oregano or cilantro, avocado, and even more chile just to add for taste, along with warm tortillas for that much needed morning after.

Some recipes use pig's feet or pork roast. Most striking farm worker families (whom else, but the "Hispanics"), including Cesar Chavez, considered menudo a miracle cure for hangovers.
2010-08-30 00:32:30 UTC
I don't know about anyone else,but when I drink,I drink to the point where I am sometimes bouncing off walls and wherever I fall I pass out.

If I wake-up and my head is pounding,I simply take a couple aspirin (excedr---) and that usually takes care of that and then I usually pass out for a few more hours (or just lie there).

When I wake up to get up (around supper time) and I have that bloated sick stomach feeling,here is what I do and it works like a charm: I pour me a full 16 0z glass of pure Prune Juice. Let me tell ya,this is going to clear your system out and make you feel so much better!

Instead of throwing-up out of your mouth,you will be throwing-up out of your a-- and thats a lot better place than out of your mouth! Let me tell ya! After ya spew,you will be saying," Ahhhhhhhhh,total relief!"

Yes, in your time of need,you will be thanking J/me for this...just be warned that you should be near a toilet,I mean,you don't want to be stuck in traffic when this kicks in,believe me!

--itting liquid is better than puking it!
2014-05-28 11:38:22 UTC
Given that I am of Hispanic/South American decent, it is common knowledge. It's almost a rite of passage to the hispanic male. Just ask any of the illegals that are being deported from this country due to the amended Arizona law that made this contribution possible for the many adolescent, coming of age anglo-saxons of this country. If you haven't tried it, you'll just love it. The soup! Not, the deportation.
2010-08-28 01:19:46 UTC
I have a couple of cures. One is take a bite of the dog that bit you. In other words have a drink of what ever you were drinking. Also while you are out drinking if you add club soda to your drink you don't get a hangover. Also take a couple of aspirins and eat something before you go to bed. Food will absorb some of the alcohol.
Sheryl M
2010-09-03 11:43:26 UTC
This will ABSOLUTELY, HANDS DOWN, WORK!! And it is simple:

DON'T DRINK. or don't drink as much. Once you pickle your liver, your body is going to feel bad, because you just spent really good money, poisoning it. YEP, poisoning it. NO, you did not read it wrong. It actually causes damage to not only your liver, by your brain.

Now, if you drink in moderation, that is ok. Moderation: 4-8 oz /day. Then it has some benefits for you. But in excess, it is very bad for you.

NOT to mention, DUIs, bar fights, wife fights, divorce, fired from work, jail, loss of drivers license... should I go on?
2010-09-01 19:53:32 UTC
I read something the other day that scientists have discovered the best cure for a hangover is to drink coconut water. I don't know if it works, but i think if scientists said it, it must be doing something right.
2010-08-31 11:31:16 UTC
Chicken Noodle soup! No this is not a joke. Soup and crackers, rehydrate with gatorade-not G2 which seems to make me more nauseous because its scent and powdery/sugary taste...treat a hangover like its the flu. The soup seems to be key...chicken broth coats the stomach, crackers absorb and pass the alcohol and gatorade rehydrates you which takes care of the headache :)
2010-09-01 07:52:42 UTC
wow look at all the answers. I didn't check them all but something tells me no one knows about this remedy. are you ready? this will cure the nausea but not the headache though.

have some gel capsule empties handy. you can get them at a local drug store. fill the capsules with cayanne pepper- at least 6 capsules and swallow them down. drink a lot of water with the pills or you could burp up some pepper, which burns by the way. this cures the neasua.
2014-05-27 07:06:50 UTC
Then if I'm still not feeling great I smoke some medical marijuana and that pretty much always makes the hangover go away.
2010-08-29 15:01:07 UTC
Drink cold water with lemon, or orange juice, then go to bed again and sleep as long as possible.

Sometimes a glass of cold beer helps to curing a hangover, but not more then one.
2010-08-29 12:34:50 UTC
My sure-fire cure is to sleep almost sitting up. Keep your head higher than your heart. The alcohol gets into your blood stream and circulates through your body. It 'pools' in the lowest spot in your body--back of your head & your butt. You aren't actually hung over until the alcohol recirculates through your body when you lift your head off the bed & then the room is spinning.

I rarely drink and I've been smashed drunk (5 double shot Amaretto Stone Sours; 2 shots of Jag; 2 shots of Doctor; 3 Butterballs, 2 Avalanches & 2 Tequila Rose shots all in a little over 3 hours) and because I slept sitting up, I was up at 7:30 am blasting music dancing around the house as I called my sister (2 beers & 2 shots) to torment her about her being hung over & that I wasn't. In the few times that I've been toasted, the first time I slept laying down and was sick as a dog the next day. Someone told me about sleeping with your head higher than your heart so I tried it the few times I got drunk again and it worked for me.
2010-08-27 18:33:21 UTC
I'm no stranger to drinking, so I got this down.

Drink water before you go to bed.

The next day you need to drink water and/or a sports drink or a Pedialyte. Eat as greasy of a breakfast as you can (try to include bacon with that). Vitamin B will give you energy. Passion Flower Extract will calm any anxiousness many people get with hangovers. Milk Thistle helps keep your liver healthy.

Of course, you could just drink a Bloody Mary and all will be well again.
2014-07-19 23:17:25 UTC
When you get in from your night out, pour yourself a big glass of water or fruit juice and some toast and then sit in front of the telly for 30 minutes to an hour. It gives you time to get your head straight and rehydrate. After that go to bed to sleep the rest off, and take another glass of water with you.
2010-09-01 03:58:32 UTC
One of the best things to do is not sleep at all that night, then eat something like bread to soak up the night's alcohol, eventually you will sober up - no hangover! This worked me loads of times!

Have fun getting drunk lots of times and trying these out!
2010-09-02 22:31:45 UTC
Well after 30 years of drinking under my belt what works for me is before I go to bed I make sure I drink 2 tall glasses of water. One of the major causes of a hangover is dehydration. So make sure you drink water between a few of your drinks during the evening or have water before you go to bed. That's it! Works for me. ;-)
Alisa M
2010-09-02 09:48:35 UTC
Eat fresh fruit! The fresh taste and juice hydrates you and gets rid of the nausea very quickly, it absorbs the remaining alcohol in your stomach while not giving it a heavy feeling as fruit are a very light food. Also, the dose of vitamins is always a good thing :)
2010-08-27 11:25:18 UTC
By the time you need this answer, it's too late, but a few hints for the future are worth noting. Drinking water before going to bed helps a lot. I also like to stick with beer over liquor or wine because it's harder to guzzle large quantities of alcohol without taking in a lot of water with it. (Having to drink so much to get drunk also reduces the total amount of alcohol and keeps a more steady buzz over a long evening. You don't need to get sick to have a good time.) Barring all of that, nothing works like TIME. Alcohol interrupts your sleep, so even if you crash in a bed instead of a marble floor, you're not going to be well-rested in the morning (despite several hours of unconsciousness). Eat something nutritiousness that's not greasy, and keep drinking water and Gatorade. If you have access to pure oxygen, that helps a lot too, but otherwise, if there was a quick cure-all for a hangover, we'd all be alcoholics.
2010-08-26 23:05:30 UTC
The secret to curing a hangover would be drink ice cold water that will suppress your nausea, have a cold shower bath then you will feel a little better and lastly have a lemon iced tea that will calm down your hangover. A bit of alcoholic wisdom, take alcohol but don't let alcohol take you over for a hangover shattering your nervous system.Be conscious while consuming alcohol so that you can never make a mistake, understand your body rhythm and move accordingly in the sense that the moment you get the floating effect (intoxicating) immediately STOP drinking it. Avoid oily food that may irritate the lining of your stomach. Always have milk and bread before you start intake of alcohol as it will protect your stomach from gastritis. Just think it over the hangover.
2010-09-02 07:48:19 UTC
Cleveland 09/02/10

Start the day as usual,..wash the face with hot water and soap,..then,..rinse with cold water,..

brush the teeht,..ofcourse,.!!

If grapefruit juice be availible,..get and drink a huge glass full. Or,.eat a whole grapefruit,.!!

But,..if no grapefruit,.Cranberry juice be good,.Damm,.when,.no cran,..Butter milk be Okay,..

Should have one of the mentioned,.?!?!!

A little RED wine,..just a little,..Like: "a shot glass full,.?

Eat a good breakfast,..Eggs,Toast, Coffee(pref.) Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat,,..Yeah,.!!

After a few hours the body should return to normal,,..the hang over should be gone,.!!

Eliasis Yahwehei ( The Main Man )
2010-08-30 07:59:02 UTC
I didn't read all the pages yet, but I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mentioning greasy food. Get some White Castle burgers or some of those pizza breadsticks with garlic butter sauce. Works wonders.
2010-08-29 19:34:23 UTC
A pint of ice cream and a half a cup of milk and 3 aspirin, put in a blender and make an ice cream shake, this gets me going in about an hour or less. The shake is good and cold and that"s what my body needs.
2010-08-29 03:28:20 UTC
There is an old saying for those who have consumed too many toddies "A hair of the dog that bit you" i.e. drink again. A hang over is caused by dehydration and alcohol withdrawals...SO.... having "a hair of the dog that bit you" alcoholic beverage---- the next morning would add fluids and relieve the alcohol withdrawals . If you don't believe that then have two or three drinks and you wont care if your hung-over LOL.....CURED.... works for me
2014-10-30 16:04:34 UTC
und I'm in the clear even if I just have milk or soda or something.) It doesn't hurt to take a couple Ibuprofen before you go to bed, if you think you're likely to be hung over the next day. Then sleep late the next day (sleep through it) if you can.

Asker's rating & comment
2010-08-26 19:53:07 UTC
Hangover, its just a feeling of how our mind tells us that we've over stressed our bodies during the alcoholic fests.Its just a feeling of nausea and dizziness, that we feel, because our body might have lost the 6-8hrs rest a day average for it to recover from tiredness from the 24/7 principle.Don't be bothered about the laziness and the agony it provides by lacking to do something. But, here are a few tips, just to cater for the HANGOVER thing.

1(BATH). The first and for most thing to think about, is to have a shower. its not just having a shower, but stay under the tap for as long as you want(30mins or so), until you feel yourself having a cold, then you'll know that your senses are coming back.

2(HOT_TEA). Sweating is one of the things you need, that is to remove the access amount of alcohol in your blood. Thus, drinking a hot tea with half a teaspoon is all need, since you wouldn't want to move around when feeling dizzy. Make sure to drink it hot and slowly, at a steady pace, so as to feel your tongue having such a rough burnt needle like surface. The reason is that, tea is made of tanic acid, a very weak acid and when exposed to alcohol (basic alkyl) it can neutralize the amount of alcohol in our system, thus lowering the level of dosage that keeps drugging us.

3(LEFT-OVER). The other secret, believe or not, is to drink a left-over of the alcohol last night. Trust me, you'll feel as if, you had not drank the previous night. for Newton's Law states: for every action there is always a reaction with the same force.

BUT MAKE SURE ONLY ONE CUP, otherwise you might open up your senses to drinking up more rather than trying to cure the hangover.
2010-08-27 14:50:58 UTC
Have an orange or fruit juice. Fruit juice contains antioxidants that help to strengthen the liver. The presence of the fructose in the juice actually helps increase the speed at which the body metabolizes alcohol and it will help replenish lost vitamin C. It's better than water.

Other ideas....scrambled eggs, toast and honey, and leafy green veggies for the folic acid.
2010-08-27 19:31:01 UTC
The best hangover cure I’ve found is two BC powders and a Red Bull. However, the key is to prevent the hangover all together. This is accomplished by taking vitamin B12. One tablet before you start drinking, and another before you crash out for the night. Trust me, it works! BTW…alcohol should be used to fuel our cars, not destroy our bodies.
2010-08-27 12:58:22 UTC
I’ve found the best cure for a hangover is to throw up that $200 tab you just spent! Don’t go to sleep with all that alcohol in your system or you’re in for a morning of hell… If it’s already morning, sip on some Gatorade/Pedialyte– anything with electrolytes to rehydrate yourself. SIP it, don’t take gulps or that sweet, burning mess is coming right back up. ;)
2010-08-26 19:54:45 UTC
I am not a drinker. So after going to England and drinking Honey Mead ( highly alcoholic drink).

I had a very bad hangover. I was so sick. we were going on a tour the next day and I was in no condition to be going. ( but it was a once in a lifetime tour). Being on vacation and not having anything to take for a hangover I resorted to taking a couple of the Dramamine that I had with me.It is for nausea and headaches. It worked like a charm with in a 1/2 hour I was up and ready to go. I took a few more throughout the day and I felt great.
2010-08-28 06:08:57 UTC
There are some things you can do to help lessen the effects of the hangover. One is to eat a good, hearty meal before drinking. Many people don't do this because they think that after the alcohol hits them, all that food in the stomach will be coming up soon. Not necessarily true. Food will help absorb the alcohol. Consuming no more than one drink per hour will also help you prevent the morning-after anguish. And, drinking a glass of juice for every glass of alcohol you consume will also cut the risk of a severe hangover. In addition, some of the drinks you choose will have more of an impact on you than others. Dark-colored drinks contain more congeners - chemicals contained in alcohol - than light-colored drinks do. Drinking red wine, bourbon and dark rum will increase the likelihood that you'll have a bad hangover than will white wine, gin or vodka.

Nowadays there is a hangover helper you can take before you start drinking. Supposedly the helper prevents hangovers from occurring the next morning. Usually a liquid, drink the mixture before bed, after a night of drinking, to wake up feeling fine. Some people claim these types of hangover helpers work - other say they don't. Try it before your next binge and see if you have positive results.

Many people recommend a very easy hangover helper you can do in your bed - sleep. Drink a large glass of juice, keep the room dark, eliminate noises such as the tv, put a cold, wet washcloth on your forehead and just

sleep. If you wake up, take something containing Ibuprofen, then go back to sleep. Many people say that sleeping it off is the only true way to cure a hangover. Every time you wake up, have a glass of juice, since dehydration is one of the main causes of hangover.To replenish some of the nutrients and vitamins your body has lost during your night of drinking take 2 Ibuprofen, 200 mg cysteine (available at specialty stores), 600 mg vitamin C, and 1 tablet vitamin B-complex. Then, mix a banana, small can V-8, 6 large strawberries, 2 tablespoons honey, a cup of orange juice, one to two cups of milk (soy is okay), a quarter teaspoon of salt, and a dash or two of nutmeg. Drink all of the mixture. If you throw up the drink, wait an hour, then make another and drink it.

Mix two ounces of vodka, six ounces of tomato juice, four teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce and a couple of drops of tabasco sauce. Drink the mixture and lay down for a few minutes to feel better in no time.

Some people swear by eating something hearty, such as a sandwich. Try a burger, which will help absorb stomach acid, along with a milkshake which will soothe the upset stomach - after you've taken a dose of Ibuprofen.

Sailors logs suggest that, after having too much to drink - which was quite often, the guys simply drank a small glass of salt water. Although the salt water will induce vomiting in most people, the liquid seems to rinse the stomach out well and leave you with less of a nauseous feeling. Adding vitamin B and thiamine to the mix won't hurt either, since your body is depleted of many vitamins after a night of heavy partying.

If the thought of swallowing a raw egg doesn't insult your senses too much, try putting a raw egg in a glass then fill with sherry. Drink quickly, and if you can hold it down, many say it will cure the hangover right away. Another raw-egg cure that seems to work for many people is this: combine 1-1/2 ounces of brandy, 1-1/2 ounces port, a dash of curacao, 2 dashes of bitters, one egg yolk, a teaspoon of sugar, and 3 or 4 ice cubes. After blending well in a blender, pour into glass, top with dash of nutmeg, and drink.

Make this mix the night before you party since you may not have the stamina to make it while accompanied by a hangover: Mix two tablespoons of cornstarch and a half-cup of water in a pan. Add two cups of milk, six tablespoons of peanut butter and sugar to taste. Cook over low heat and use a whisk to blend the ingredients well. When the mixture becomes thick but smooth, remove and refrigerate. Try this hangover helper in the morning, with or without ice, and it will coat your stomach and, hopefully, run away the blues.

No matter what hangover helper you choose the best hangover prevention is moderation. Taking aspiring, drinking coffee, and swallowing even more liquor aren't proven hangover helpers and may, in fact, increase the symptoms of a hangover.
2014-06-18 13:35:32 UTC
Okay all yall are telling her what to do while shes drinking. Shes trying to figure out what to do after shes done drinking and wakes up with a hangover smh -.- dumb answers
why do you have to ask?!
2010-09-02 08:36:48 UTC
Drink tons of water till you're bloated and can't move. Then make yourself vomit repeatedly until you're out of water. This will be okay because the only thing that will come out is vomit and stomach acid. Which is okay, because the acid will not cause your throat to burn, because the water will dilute it. Then talk 2 aspirins and 1 Nyquil pill to make you sleep again.

That's what works.
2010-09-01 10:57:44 UTC
The hair of the dog that bit you and a raw egg.. Put a raw egg in a shot of what you drank the night before. Its a proven remedy... I prefer to do the raw egg by its self.. I put the whole egg in a bowl of hot tap water and let sit for 5 mins. to warm the egg up a bit. then I take a sharp knife and whack the pointed end off the shell and suck the egg out.
҉ Dethamagnificent ҉
2010-08-29 19:06:47 UTC
I take some Ibuprofen (if I can hold it down), water (if I can hold it down) and if I cannot do any of the mentioned, I make myself a cup of ramen noodles & only drink the broth. The hotness of the broth calms my stomach & everything goes back to the way it should be.
2010-08-28 23:06:00 UTC
the problem with hangover is things that actually help you, also make you sicker initially... yes it is true you need water but you need to retain that water in your body... do not drink sports drinks, drink WATER... you need animal fats and salt to soothe your stomach and retain more water... the problem with things that contain lots of those things is... they make you sicker as they have a very strong flavor that makes you want to puke... that's why people say "eat crackers"... crackers don't actually do anything to help your situation but fill your stomach with something besides alcohol... which is not really a bad idea... but its not really a particularly helpful idea either... chicken soup is easy to take and has fats and salt that you need... if you can stomach something huge, greasy and nasty... eat that... unfortunately most people cannot do that... if you can eat something like chorizo in the morning... great... do that... its just fat and salt! perfect! also do not take tylenol/motrin/excedrin... take aspirin if you have it (unfortunately as I found out, a lot of households in the US are so hooked on the brand name pills that they do not have very basic, $2 bottle of aspirin which is actually much better for you)... the perfect scenario is taking alka-seltzer before you go to bed and when you wake up... it does 2 things... gives you fluids as you need to mix it with water, and it soothes your stomach and has aspirin in it... when I drink, I ALWAYS have an alka-seltzer before bed, and after waking up... I think taking that is the best thing you can do for yourself... also... temperature... hot weather makes you sicker... if you know you're gonna be drinking at your place... turn your AC up, take off a sweater, wear lighter clothes, don't wrap yourself in blankets when you go to bed... it will help you... get some oxygen into your blood stream in the morning... go outside, breathe fresh air... not only will it help your blood stream, but also will get you out from all the alcoholic fumes are are probably still in your room... think happy thoughts... yes you're feeling like death... but try to stay upbeat and think about good things... drinking is honestly... mostly a mental thing... we've all been there when we feel good, do shot after shot and not feel anything... but we've also been there when we have a beer and we're completely gone... get yourself in the right mindset... tell yourself that you are alright, that you can feel yourself getting better... even if you're not, fake the right mindset and things will improve from there... basic rundown: water, alka-seltzer, fat/salt, lower temp, air, happy thoughts! hope this helps...
2010-08-28 10:43:24 UTC
Before you go to bed, drink a glass or two of water, take a multi-vitamin, and eat something. The next morning, if you still have a hangover, eat a bacon sandwich :)
2010-08-27 06:39:36 UTC
Aside from massive amounts of water, try Urban Detox. You can buy bottles from Safeway for $2 and it taste like gatorade. I get the orange bottles and they work great for me. Don't fall asleep while you're still sh*tfaced too. I'd wait an hour or more to sober up before heading to the sheets. I've heard sleeping with your head elavated does wonders as well. Prepping your body before you sleep by drinking massive amounts of water and with a sober-er mind on elevated pillows is the best thing you can do for your body.

Next morning: Porridge or noodle soup is your best friend.
Capt Eddie
2010-08-28 18:09:25 UTC
Sleep as late as possible and when you wake up, take some Alka-Seltzer and then drink a huge glass of Gatorade. As soon as the Alka-Seltzer kicks in, drink a cup of coffee. It'll help reduce the pain in your head even more. Keep drinking Gatorade until you're not dehydrated anymore.
2015-05-25 06:14:59 UTC
Next is breakfast. Some prefer a greasy fry-up. Some people like something a little bourgeois, like a gluten-free swedish pancakes with quail eggs and a soy chai latte. I like something pretty simple, like some leftover pizza or possibly crispy bacon and some toast. Whatever floats your boat, just make sure you eat something, preferably something wholesome.
2010-08-30 09:10:16 UTC
try not to go to bed totally plastered. try to wait an hour or so after drinking before you pass out if you can to sober up a bit and drink a sobe life water the next morning the b-vitamins work miracles
2010-08-27 12:46:56 UTC
Drink a HUGE glass of water before bed, use the bathroom to get it through your system faster. keep a jug of water next to the bed. Eat something starchy (Ramen Noodles are easy enough no matter what condition you came home inand take don't take any aspirin because it is hard on your liver- which is processing all of that poison in your body. Instead take a Multivitamine and pass out. Water by the bed, Drink a huge cup of water, Eat a bowl of noodles and take a multi vitamine to replace all you lost during the drinking.
2010-08-29 15:43:59 UTC
I drink Coke (the carbonation helps) and eat something really greasy. McDonald's french fries work the best. Second best is the McDonald's breakfast and if you can't do those then make french toast. After your stomach is settled drink gatorade.
Sangha J
2010-08-28 20:14:27 UTC
Things not to do

-Do not take any medication (mixing **** is not good for you).

-Don't drink more alcohol

I find it excessively funny how so many people here are popping pain pills, I can cannot fathom the amount of damage that they're doing to their body/have done. Some people probably think that pain killers get rid of the storm in the body, but all they do is make you ignorant of it.
Max p
2010-08-28 18:29:42 UTC
ha! drink as much water as you can before bed. Part of the reason you feel like crap in the morning is that you are dehydrated. When you wake up drink more water, pop 2 advils and an adderall. Once the addy kicks in youll be happy as ever you won't feel like **** anymore (: (: (im sure atleast one of your friends has these hehe)
jessica sides
2010-08-27 21:36:14 UTC
Been there, done that, and had to clean puke out of my sheets. Drinking is fun, it its your thing, but fair warning to the brain pounding migraine and the nausa. A few of the things ive done that have eased the pain are:

1.) Eat a few crackers or some unbuttered toast to ease your stomach before starting the day.

2.) You could try the hang over pill,which you take before you begin drinking. Wouldnt do much good after you'd prob end up throwing it up wouldnt help. I have never taken it personally but have heard and read alot of good reviews on it,ask someone at Walgreens whats up with it.

3.) Drink as much water is you can after you wake up.

4.) A half glass of milk will coat the lining of your stomach if you deside to up chuck. Its still going to suck when ur puking but itll be like laying a pillow on the floor before you bang your head against it!

5.) Pray to god your roommate isnt cooking eggs and bacon in the morning.

6.) Try not to jump up in the morning,wear sunglasses-the sun is evil when your brain is recovering!

7.) Take a shower first thing in the morning.


Dont forget to clean up after yourself..the people that live in the same house will.not be happy about smelling throw up when they walk by your room, they wont be happy when they go to pee or poop and sit on throw up either! If your going to take the chance of all polite and clean up...try not to be a butt either!
2016-04-26 05:44:11 UTC
Fast To Relieve Your Headache.
2010-09-01 19:48:24 UTC
Water and vitamin B-12 (500mg or greater) before you go to sleep, or as soon as you wake up. If you want to plan ahead, get some time release pills and take them before you start drinking.
2010-08-29 10:43:10 UTC
I fill up an empty 2 liter bottle with water and try to drink as much as i can right before i goto bed, then theres some there when i wake up
2010-08-27 12:36:05 UTC
I remember to chug a whole bottle or more of water before passing out. It really works for me. Even after drinking myself to oblivion I wake up slightly hung over or not at all after chugging that water. If I'm still a little hungover in the morning, I usually head over to the local Waffle House or IHOP and eat a nice big meal. I always feel great after some WoHo or IHizzle and a crazy drunk night :D
2010-08-28 16:35:56 UTC
Lots of water and a bunch of B1. The alcohol dehydrates you and uses up your B1. And if you PLAN to drink, take a bunch of B1 FIRST and drink a bunch of water and you won't GET a hangover.

Good luck!

2010-08-28 13:27:58 UTC
My personal cure to avoid hangover is to take 2 Tylenol pills (Paracetamol 500 mg) and a glass of ENO Fruit Salt, BEFORE GOING TO SLEEP. And of course a bottle of water on your night table.
2010-08-27 06:14:15 UTC
Each has their own way....some say shotgun a beer early right after you wake up and the hangover be gone, although I personally think that will make you more drunk, so each their own.

What works for me, I will tell you. After a night of heavy drinking, mixing drinks etc...1st I dump in a burger or something solid in my belly then before I hit the sack, I take a couple of Alieve tablets...and the hangover is gone. Works 100% for me.
Christine R
2010-08-30 23:38:10 UTC
Okay, here's the best, best answer, tried and true! Drink lots of milk before going to bed, and when you wake up....again, lots of milk! I'm not sure what it does exactly, but it WORKS! If you don't like might try water, but milk definitely works! Say 2 or 3 twelve oz glasses, honestly!
Ronald McPaul
2010-08-30 05:52:20 UTC
DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL...its poison!


Alcohol makes you...

- 21 times more likely to have an antisocial personality disorder,

- 3.9 times more likely to have a drug abuse disorder, L 6.2 times more likely to have manic depressive disorder,

- 4 times more likely to have schizophrenia. (Helzer & Pryzbeck, 1988)

The majority of alcoholics who come into treatment are initially diagnosed as suffering from depression. In addition about 1/3 of alcoholics suffer an anxiety disorder.



Cancer of the lips, mouth, and pharynx

Cancer of the larynx, esophagus, stomach, and liver





Diseases of stomach, esophagus, and duodenum

Cirrhosis of bile tract

Alcoholic psychoses


Alcohol abuse

Nerve degeneration

Heart disease

Alcoholic gastritis

Fatty liver



Other liver damage

Excessive BAC

Accidental poisonings

Seizure activity

Boating accidents

Motor vehicle, bicycle, other road accidents

Airplane accidents


Fire accidents


Suicides, self-inflicted injuries

Homicides or shootings

Choking on food

Domestic violence

Rapes or date rapes
2010-08-30 05:47:07 UTC
i drink water and isotonice sports drinks.

the thing that really makes the difference though is purdeys elixir.

you can find it in your local asda or wallmart by the energy drinks which are usually not far away from the alcohol section, and we all know too well where that is :P
2010-08-27 15:01:55 UTC
To counteract a hangover, the two main causes need to be dealt with: dehydration and acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is a by-product of alcohol metabolism and causes most of the negative aftereffects and long-term damage caused by drinking alcohol.

While drinking water of course helps with dehydration, sports drinks that replenish your body's electrolytes (i.e. Gatorade or Powerade) are better. Also, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: drink plenty of sports drink the night before, and the next morning will be much less unpleasant. Keep another bottle on hand for the next morning to take the edge off.

As for the acetaldehyde, when you're feeling ready to eat, eat food that contains cysteine. Cysteine counteracts acetaldehyde, and is found in poultry, yogurt, egg yolks, red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, oats, and wheat germ.

Personally, I find eggs to be most effective. One of my favorite hangover cure methods is to go to Dunkin' Donuts for a Gatorade and an egg and cheese sandwich.
2010-08-26 19:11:13 UTC
Now you've done it and it's official, you have a hangover. Now what? No matter what you do sleep and water or juice should be included. There are many folk cures that are supposed to help cure a hangover. Many of them will help you cope by replenishing the vitamins and liquid you lost over night, while some like avoiding caffeine are very important to a quicker recovery. There is no one size fits all cure, find what works for you but the list below is a good place to start. There are also a few suggestions from readers who found their own way to cope.

Difficulty: Hard

Time Required: As long as it takes to feel better.

Here's How:

1.Sleep. Rest is your best friend at this point to give your body a recover. It is best to stay in bed so call in to work if you have to, tell them you have the stomach flu. You will sound so horrible on the phone they may believe you (unless they saw you at the bar, not a good idea then).

2.Replenish your body with fruit juice and water.

3.Avoid caffeine. A weak cup of coffee may be okay but a lot of caffeine will continue to dehydrate you, the opposite of what you want right now.

4.Drink orange juice for Vitamin C.

5.Drink a sports drink like Gatorade or Powerade.

6.Eat mineral rich food like pickles or canned fish.

7.In Poland, drinking pickle juice is a common remedy.

8.Drink a Bloody Mary. While the popular phrase “hair of the dog that bit you” may sound logical with a shot of whiskey left in the bottle next to your bed, it’s only temporary. Try a Bloody Mary instead, while your blood is dealing with the new alcohol it is ignoring the old and in the mean time tomato juice and celery are full of vitamins. If you drank the last of the vodka make a Virgin Mary. Another spicy morning after drink option is Hair of the Dog, in which gin and hot sauce are sure to bite your hangover back


9.Take a shower, switching between cold and hot water.

10.In Ireland it was said that the cure for a hangover is to bury the ailing person up to the neck in moist river sand.

11.Try Alka Seltzer Morning Relief. One reader says that it's all that he and his wife have found that really works for them. He stumbled across this "cure" while his wife was still suffering after two days, within 15 minutes after taking the Alka Seltzer she was fine.

12.Get some exercise. Another reader suggests doing some sort of physical activity. He writes, "In the rare case of having hangover I usually drink about 1-2 liters of water and go outside to do some exercise like mountain climbing, swimming, cycling or just about anything that keeps me sweating." It takes willpower to move like that when standing seems like a challenge, but it is a good theory.

13.The side effects of aspirin, Tylenol and ibuprofen can be magnified when alcohol is in your system, so it is best (even though it may be the first thing you reach for) to avoid them to kill the hangover pain. Aspirin is a blood thinner, just like alcohol, and can intensify its effects and Tylenol (or acetaminophen) can cause more damage to your liver. Ibuprofen can also cause stomach bleeding. So be cautious when going for the quick relief.

14.Watch the video: Hangover Remedies. Jonathan Stewart demonstrates how to make a blended hangover remedy. There are a more than a few ingredients so you may want to have everything organized prior to overindulging.

15.As an antidote, one reader takes a little extra multi B vitamin and drinks a lot of water before going to sleep.
2010-09-02 22:03:00 UTC
any kind of alcohol will start to dehydrate you, the best thing to do is drink some water the night you drink and in the morning drink more water and have a greasy brekfast
2010-08-27 15:43:40 UTC
Medically...tell your doctor you suffer from migraine headaches. Get a prescription for whatever he suggests as long as it comes in suppository form. Then use one and lie down for an hour or 2 and woalla -- it is gone.

Nonprescription-- drink tomato juice or a virgin mary w/ a beer chaser and a few crackers or pretzels.

Sleep with one foot flat on the floor so the room doesn't spin around while you try to sleep or get rid of headache.
2010-08-27 15:11:33 UTC
If you end up feeling nauseous before you go to bed, your best bet is to throw up. If you still feel nauseous after that, like you need to get sick again, your stomach will have nothing in it and you'll just dry heave. Eat some toast and drag a garbage can with you if you're not up for making friends with the porcelain god. I don't get headaches when I get hangovers, but I am nauseous and dizzy the entire next day. Gatorade is my best friend, and once I can stand without feeling like death I make some ramen. Once I feel like my stomach can handle it I grab the first greasy thing I can (Arby's fries!). Walking around helps a ton for me, too, although I advise against strenuous exercise.
2016-04-17 18:11:44 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

you need to start taking chasers...they sell them at drug stores..they are great for preventing hangovers.. i would sleep it off otherwise...drink water to rehydrate and eat toast to absorb the remaining alcohol in your system
Larry C
2010-09-02 22:05:27 UTC
Why would you drink alcohol in the first place? Drink at least 16oz.water. Be near a toilet and sleep it off.

Don't drink coffee or alcohol.
2010-08-30 20:59:25 UTC
well in order to prevent the hangover i always come home from drinking and drinks loads of water and then i take some aspirin.
2010-08-30 09:08:16 UTC
In the morning making sweet love,it always wakes me up in good mood and what hangover huh".
2010-08-29 17:41:12 UTC
use an O2 tank and a mask or a nasal cannula and crank the O2 not more than five liters if by N/C or up to 15 L if by mask. You will be better quickly!
2010-08-31 10:16:02 UTC
I drank I a lot of water before going to sleep last night and I took vitamin B12. I'm perfectly fine right now.. :)
2017-02-09 05:33:16 UTC
2010-08-29 15:30:45 UTC
just drink alot of water, so much that u feel like ur gonna throw it up. ur trying 2 get ur liver to start working again and tryin 2 clean urself out. doin this will help rlly good
2010-09-03 09:21:57 UTC
Drink lots of water and have a lite snack like couple of pieces of toast before retiring for bed.
2010-08-28 22:39:14 UTC
First,don't drink,second,don't drink too much and third,if you puke,when you get the spins,I have often found that if you eat some of the puke,it will be a long,long time before you get a hangover.Also,just get OVER the hang part.
Richard L C
2010-08-27 15:07:21 UTC
Celery sticks, seriously. You dip them in a double Bloody Mary and scoop up as much as you can in the little hollow part, eat that down and repeat. I don't know what the chemical is in the celery but after two or three Bloody Marys and half a package of celery, you'll fee fine!
2010-08-27 12:36:15 UTC
Most answers know that re-hydration is the key and the fastest way that I have witnessed was after a bachelor party the night before, the best man could not get out of bed and one of the wedding party was a paramedic and plugged him into an IV bag. Thirty minutes later he was asking for a breakfast Budweiser and bouncing around, Ergo, instant re-hydration.
2010-09-02 22:13:20 UTC
No matter how bad it is.... take some tylonel or meds of your choice and have a big glass of chocolate milk or hot coco. Works wonders. And it's simple. ;) Totally settles your stomach.
2010-08-27 16:24:09 UTC
Make coffee, but don't drink it immediately. Let it sit for about 10 minutes until it is lukewarm/cold. Drink it slowly. Then go for a steady walk around the block. Repeat if the hangover continues.
2010-08-27 13:13:12 UTC
The hangover is caused by dehydration...Remember alcohol dehydrates our bodies...even though you think you are drinking a fluid..Also it plays havoc with our electrolytes...The best way to cure a hangover is to take a muptiple vitamin with minerals and drink plenty of non-caffeinated fluids...
2010-09-01 16:49:14 UTC
Take 2 Advil Before you go to sleep.
2016-04-14 04:33:45 UTC
you need to start taking chasers...they sell them at drug stores..they are great for preventing hangovers.. i would sleep it off otherwise...drink water to rehydrate and eat toast to absorb the remaining alcohol in your system

For the best answers, search on this site
2010-08-29 22:58:09 UTC
Gatorade or powerade. Replenishes the 3 things that your body is missing: salt, water and sugar
2010-08-29 00:52:57 UTC
Drink a bloody mary in the morning and that's vegatable juice with a splash of vodka.
2010-08-27 14:13:46 UTC
Prevention and staying away from greasy fatty foods

Mutil vitamins

Protein shake

whole wheat Toast 2-4 pc

As much water as you can drink - a liter at least

A glass of milk

Stay Up as long as possible drinking water so you sleep through the worst of it and let the nutrients of the protein shake vitamin and toast mitigate the issues from the alchohol.
2010-08-26 12:30:24 UTC
Hangovers are caused by depletion of the body's valuable fluid and certain vitamins and minerals. Water and juice along with a BC headache powder (contains aspirin that will expand blood vessels for the headache and caffeine to give ya a little boost) a B complex vitamin and maybe some extra B12 along with some nourishment. Bacon, egg, cheese biscuits provide most of what the body needs and doesn't lay heavy on the stomach.
2010-09-01 18:10:36 UTC
I'd say try to wash it down by drinking lots of liquids.
2010-09-02 11:24:16 UTC
Before sleeping...have a cup of salt + water. Then ure gonna puke all your alcohol out. Then have a cup of juice or water after then sleep.
2010-08-31 11:39:30 UTC
Drink lots of fluids
Kostea D
2010-08-29 23:54:11 UTC
Are you guys serious??? Everybody (well at least in Russia) will tell you that pickle juice does magic. Few good full sips and like it never happened.
2010-09-02 17:08:39 UTC
Drink 2 refrigerated (almost frozen) PEDIALYTE (YES,for babies) and a cocktail of 2 aspirins and 2 extra strength tyLenoL.Then have some MENUDO.
2010-09-02 04:52:13 UTC
dont drink in the first place!!

then you wont have a hangover to get rid of!

wouldnt know personally as i and all my friends dont drink!
2010-08-31 16:09:32 UTC
I never drink,but if I did that,after that,I just would sleep and after that would drink a cup of hot tea,it helps so much!
2010-09-02 04:12:35 UTC
Stop drinking alcohol
2010-08-28 22:38:31 UTC
old mexican trick. get some carbonated water, NOT TONIC. just the sparkling one its like soda with no flavor then you add ice tons of salt and a whole lime, the green ones. and thats it just put it all in a big cup stir drink and you'll feel soooo much better! plus EAT! you'll feel sick but you'll feel wayyy better after
2010-08-28 16:00:59 UTC
I dont drink but i know ppl who does. they say the best way to get rid of hangovers is to either get high or drink more.
2010-08-31 19:30:19 UTC
Well...if anyone reads Eragon here :D...

Brom always drank copious amounts of ice water and hot tea, and washing it all down with brandy.
Courtney. M
2010-08-29 11:19:19 UTC
The best way is if you mixed you alcoholic drink with anything (U.V Cherry and Amp for example) drink whatever you mixed it with when done drinking. (Drink the Amp once done drinking.)

Go to bed. Then when you wake up eat.
Doctor Who's Companion
2010-08-29 08:14:00 UTC
By not drinking in the first place.

Stick to drinking the coffee yahoo.
Paul Karugu
2010-09-03 08:26:32 UTC
well, i have never drank or smoked but to such a person i would advice him or her to immediately see the doctor and after that receive Jesus as the best friend not drinks.
Just me
2010-09-02 08:56:56 UTC
A BC powder and a soda. Also water while your drinking.
2010-08-28 23:07:20 UTC
Black Coffee. Take a cold shower. Eat mineral rich foods like pickles. SLEEP.
2010-08-27 16:07:46 UTC
It is not easy to cure hangover unless you have rested well and taken a cold shower. Also drink lemonade if it suits you, or else a hot cup of black coffee after bath.
Dave Q.
2010-08-30 09:22:30 UTC
Eat a fried egg on a hangover

Works everytime ;)
2010-08-30 00:44:27 UTC
oxygen (bottled) like you would get at the hospital ,three adult aspirin ,2000 mg vitamin c oxy for about half an hour or longer
2010-08-28 17:43:52 UTC
2 asprin and force youreself to drink two tall glasses of water before bed,when you get up to pee (cause you will) drink more water,after sleep ,soup and bread and a cup of coffee,works every time,you will be ready to get blasted again! STAY THIRSTY MY FRIEND......
2010-08-27 20:19:09 UTC
For beer drinkers ,

Squeeze some 3 lemons into a cup add a teaspoon honey Then drink it right away. you will be fine in two minutes or less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

For hard rum drinkers

Squeeze some 7 lemons into a cup add a teaspoon honey Then drink it right away you will be fine in two minutes or less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) after feeling giddy for a minute or two.

Then eat a plate of stewed turkey necks and rice to get back swift thinking motor skills where you can walk a strait line!!! ha ha he he Ja ja jaja:)

It works every time!


The real bush doctor!!
2010-08-27 08:27:51 UTC
Not to get drunk in the first place.

But if you do, a bloody Mary will take care of a sore throat and take the edge off.

But for the majority of people, extra sleep , aspirin and a healthy breakfast and exercise will work just fine.
2010-08-27 06:41:26 UTC
The consumption of alcohol is as old as civilization itself, Curing a hangover is just as old. So many different remedies abound,by the time you find one that really works your already dead. Well, at this point you wont have to worry about hangovers ever again, its the ultimate cure.

Obviously, the best cure is not to hit the sauce. But if your a die hard party animal and drink to pass out, coming too can be a big ordeal. Its a religious event. It renews faith in God. We peer back into consciousness with the standard "Oh God, what did I do? Please God make this headache go away. I promise I'll never drink again!" Don't plan on this tactic it never works on your pain, just your faith that God exists. You feel the guilt and think your being punished by God for whatever you did and cant remember. Then you ask yourself, "What did I do last night and where the heck am I?" With a follow up, "This isn't my room and this isn't my bed I threw up in, as you wipe off your chin from all the slobber you've accumulated.

In this situation, you know you have had way too much. Your still reeling from alcohol poisoning.

Bet on it getting worse. Having a hangover this severe comes from severe consumption of alcohol. Drinking moderately, providing the person is hydrated and eats should not expect a hangover. Heavy drinking to produce the above scenario and a black out, is serious.

Alcohol is a solvent which dehydrates the body. Its metabolites destroy organ tissue, therefore drinking alcohol poses serious health risks. Ethyl Alcohol is what is in liquor. In the liver the resulting metabolites are Acetic acid (vinegar) and Acetylaldehide (embalming fluid). Methyl Alcohol is poisonous where the metabolites are Formic Acid and Formaldehyde. It's the formic acid which attacks the optic nerve and causes blindness. Heavy consumption of alcohol is fatal. Liver failure with a total systemic organ failure to soon follow is not a pretty way to go. It's just bad stuff.

The best advice is to prevent a hangover. 24 hours before the binge, drink as much water as you can. Dehydration from alcohol is the main culprit for the headache. Eat greasy foods high in protein such as a big cheese burger. Eat while you drink and drink slowly and pace yourself. Prefer to drink beer, it is a high water content beverage. If you drink a hard liquor mix, use a decaffeinated mixer. Stay away from juices. Juices contain acid and this can irritate your stomach, and contribute to internal distress. Straight shoot with a water back. For every shot, drink a couple of mouth fulls of water. Stay away from wines made from grapes. Grape wine contains tanic acid and tannins. A sure bet for a lulu of a headache.

For those fools whom can't remember how bad their last hangover was and forgot these simple rules, your hangover is your own fault. Alcohol loves stupidity, you get what you deserve.

However, there is relief available.

Prior to drinking, stalk up on sports drinks, you'll need it. Upon coming too, drink slowly several bottles of sports drinks. Pace it to continuously drink for the whole day.Slamming them down may quench your dry mouth, but its dangerous and your body won't absorb it efficiently. Eat, food absorbs liquid and it allows more fluid to get into your blood.

Sports drinks have electrolytes which need to be replaced. Alcohol removes them from your system. Electrolites are sodium chloride, calcium, potassium with other minor minerals. A defeciency causes headaches, nausea, spasms with other symptoms, including death. Electrolites are the bodys chemicals that keeps it alive. To much of a loss of electrolytes is fatal. At this point there is no way to recover, not even with emergency medical intervention, you die.

Have a bottle of bismuth (pepto bismol) available. This coats the stomach and eases the irritation of the stomach lining. Do not take aspirin or an aspirin based product if you use pepto. Ibuprofen, Motrin or any nsaids are considered "super aspirin." They are similar in chemical structure and are prostaglanden inhibitors. Good for bone aches, not for brain aches from booze. Acetaminophen in high doses when mixed with alcohol in your system, is very taxing on the liver. Its a dangerous cocktail.

The best medicine for the head is water, time and sleep.

Whatever you do, don't chase a hangover with more alcohol. Sooner or later you'll sober up and It will only be worse. You can cause real damage to your bodies system.

Like stated in the beginning, "The best defense against a hangover is don't drink."
2010-08-28 08:52:58 UTC
A bottle of yoohoo in the morning works pretty good for me, I don't know why lol. But it's convenient, tastes good and usually helps.
2010-08-30 04:10:54 UTC
I always made myself a honey sandwich - bread, honey, sometimes jelly too - the carbs and sugar would suck up the alcohol and it would help.
2010-08-27 21:22:15 UTC
Don't drink. It is fabulous to get up in the morning and enjoy it instead of being sick due to a night of drinking. What a different world!!!!!!! It is actually beautiful.
2010-08-29 02:22:53 UTC
Normally I would say eating raw eggs, although with the recent finding of salmonella in eggs, that wouldn't be advisable.
2010-08-27 10:41:09 UTC
Drink lots of water before you drink and while you are drinking:) Reg V8 juice and 2 goody powders always cure mine:)
2010-09-02 20:36:57 UTC
Don't drink. That's definitely the best way.
2010-08-29 12:04:05 UTC
I definitely agree with the guy that said Bloody Mary. It always works.
2010-08-28 02:31:19 UTC
Hair of the dog unfortunately. Having a drink or two will ease the pain. Eventually you have to pay the piper though.
2010-08-27 10:22:01 UTC
I would drink a lot of water/cranberry juice and rest!

Also drink water during the day before you plan on drinking and also drink tons of water before you go to bed (if you are able to)

I would also make sure to eat.
2010-08-26 21:55:12 UTC
You can help calm a hangover by drinking more alcohol. It will help level your blood levels to a more comfortable level. But don't drink more alcohol with the purpose to get drunk, just drink some to help you cope. Also try eating soda cookies or Ritz crackers
2010-09-03 01:36:19 UTC
I always took "Hair of the Dog" quite literally
2010-09-01 09:42:17 UTC
Don't drink and read your bible. If you don't have one go to Borders or Barnes and Noble. I would suggest the NIV version. i would also reccomend memorizing John 3:16.
joseph z
2010-08-31 05:45:56 UTC
the best way to cure a hangover is to avoid a hangover. the best way to avoid a hangover is to stay drunk.
2010-08-28 14:20:03 UTC
Build a time machine, go back in time and prevent yourself from drinking.
2010-08-30 21:58:05 UTC
Have a beer or two the next day then take a nap, that's what works for me the best! i have tried everything on the book!
2010-08-27 05:30:17 UTC
In my case, I drink a lots of cool water, it will flush all the alcohol content in your body. took 2 tablets of aspirin, and lay down to rest, if you fill a little better, take a cool shower, that might wake you up.
jloxo2 ώõηďέяსშռ∂
2010-08-27 16:42:04 UTC
That is a good and funny video. Sometimes drinking a lot of water or juice will help. Take two advil, try to lay down. And try to not yell or hear loud noises.
Chantal G
2010-08-26 17:43:26 UTC
Drink orange juice until you don't want any more, and then drink water until you stop feeling thirsty.

You don't necessarily have to over-indulge to get a hangover. I once got hungover before leaving a Mexican restaurant. I had one margarita while there and had been careful to drink water and eat something before I started drinking the margarita. I don't know what was in the tequila, but I had a roaring headache by the time we got in the car, and when we got home, I went to bed and stayed asleep for three hours.
2010-09-03 14:53:27 UTC
Smoke a joint, eat some meskin food
2010-08-31 21:17:58 UTC
If you are a true Mexican like myself, you would know that Menudo and aBeer cures your hangover.
Kay Sten
2010-08-29 18:12:44 UTC
Water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water before, during and after drinking. Stay young, sleep it off, have a V-8, protein, no carbs, and know that there is a reason they associated Popeye with spinach.

Have a lot of leafy greens and consume them as a start for your day. Do some exercise too.
2010-08-27 20:41:12 UTC
1/ One 90ml peg of same brand to be taken as soon as you get up if you feeling hangover and nausea with some salad i.e. Beet-root/Carrot & Onion with lime and black pepper sprinkled over it.

2/ Black-Tea with lime and Toast&Butter.
2010-08-29 14:47:08 UTC
Drink more! Ta da! No hangover!
2010-09-02 10:10:23 UTC
sleep it of and drink alot of water and fresh air also helps
2010-08-29 21:52:21 UTC
glass a water, bowl a cereal, and two bowls of the pipe
2010-09-02 18:41:38 UTC
time is all that will cure a hangover
2010-09-01 07:33:57 UTC
Don't drink so much next time!
2010-08-29 14:27:08 UTC
Peppermint tea and advil, then go back to sleep.
2010-08-27 18:18:06 UTC
Himalayan Goji Juice, also known as Go Chi juice. It's expensive but it's great.
2010-08-26 18:29:16 UTC
Maybe it sounds weird but my experience is:

Before going out I eat something that I like and accompany it with a nice wine.

Once the time to go dancing has arrived my stomach is full and I already have some alcohol on me but I am not drunk. This makes me crave for some "aprés dinner" liquor and I just drink something not strong and start dancing. Works great since dancing helps to digest the food and at the same time makes me tired enough that by midnight or one in the morning I am ready to go to sleep.

No need to drink like crazy and still have lots o fun. Thinking that you MUST drink to have fun is not true. Everything is in your approach to dancing, karaoke, etc.

Another option is to not drink at all, :o)
2010-09-03 00:04:18 UTC
Angostura bitters and seltzer, stirred together.
2010-08-26 16:31:36 UTC
The best way I've found to cure a hang over is to drink another 1-2 beers when you get up in the morning.
New Trends
2010-08-31 03:05:23 UTC
Rest rest and Rest
2010-09-02 19:48:14 UTC
i aculty woak up too fast and got the headacche
2010-08-27 13:48:46 UTC
2 Extra strength Tylenol washed down with Mountain Dew Red!

Then go back to bed.

In about six hour when you wake up, you'll have a brand new head!
2010-08-29 13:23:51 UTC
Pedialyte is the best for hangovers!
2010-08-27 10:25:45 UTC
drink the same amount of water as alcohol prior to drinking. alcohol robs the body of water,water before and no hangover later
2010-08-27 01:34:55 UTC
2 Parcetamol 1 pint of milk and a egg bacon and susauge butty ;)
2010-08-26 17:40:56 UTC
I've always found drinking water to help a great deal. Now I'm not saying I drink almost every day, but I'll let you interpret that last part.
Look Into My Eyes
2010-08-29 18:29:24 UTC
Drink more beer, it offsets the pain
I'm Here For The Gang Bang
2010-08-27 16:39:29 UTC
Pot for the nausea, poppy pod tea for the pain. Eat some food, too. If you don't have weed and opium/Vicodin/Percocet/etc, then more booze is actually the best cure, though it's a good way to get addicted to alcohol.

If you're not into more psychoactive drugs then I'd probably go with four ibuprofen (if you don't buy generic meds you're a moron), a three egg omelet and a large container of gatorade.

If you lack resources then I would mix a liter of tap water with a couple tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of salt. Drink that. It works equally well for cholera.
2010-08-26 19:29:37 UTC
Eat salty foods to hold in some water. Drink lots of water. Crawl in bed till it's over.
2010-08-30 21:05:57 UTC
gatorade and some aspirin, never fails.. need those electrolytes and then plenty of water, its a must
2010-08-28 10:19:39 UTC
Bacon and egg muffin and full fat cherry coke. Shower, clean bedding and back to sleep. x
2010-08-28 06:49:23 UTC
to cure a hangover drink beer but not enough to get you drunk, just a pint or two.
2010-08-27 09:26:33 UTC
Have a cup of strong brewed coffee
2010-09-01 18:28:22 UTC
2013-10-08 13:56:32 UTC
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2010-08-27 09:39:56 UTC
Watch the movie THE HANGOVER
2010-08-29 15:06:05 UTC
Another beer.
2010-08-29 03:07:46 UTC
mix beer and tabasco sauce and for gosh sakes--don't breath on anybody.
Inez R
2010-08-28 15:42:59 UTC
tons of water,vitamins/minerals, and a whole lot of sleep.
lovin me
2010-08-27 10:11:46 UTC
Just drink more and more then you cant feel it

the best way ;)
2010-08-27 05:12:35 UTC
if you drank wine DON'T drink spring water, just have mineral water.

and for all types of hang over one easy solution Alka-Seltzer.

You should try it!
Mr X
2010-08-29 12:11:31 UTC
lots of water and a good old fry up... works every time
2010-08-28 23:26:48 UTC
water before you go to bed, ibuprofen
2010-08-27 07:53:14 UTC
Dont become anger on those who advice you not to drink.

They do so, only because they like you.

Actually i don't drink.

We all know the disaster it causes to our body.

So, please try to stop it my friend.
Vandana Sood
2010-08-27 00:04:17 UTC
A strong cup of black coffee without sugar
2010-08-26 22:40:35 UTC
Hangover? Whats that? Ever since ive had one of these before i drink i havent had one since! No matter how much i drink!
2010-09-01 22:12:03 UTC
water, sleep, morning sex, and a great breakfast do it for me!
Allison Iccubocay
2010-08-31 18:25:05 UTC
before you drink remember this, beer before liquor never sicker. this really works
2010-08-27 08:38:11 UTC
when i get hangovers i like to eat a warm seafood soup. it cures my headache.
bradley b
2010-08-28 08:14:31 UTC
drink coffee with nothing added to it
2010-08-26 17:04:54 UTC
Drink a Bloody mary

Darla S.
2010-08-26 23:52:08 UTC
Not drinking so much. Try controlling yourself next time.
2010-08-26 17:33:14 UTC
Ive always had good luck with vitamins and plenty of water followed by a brief nap. Your body is lacking vitamins and liquid.
2010-08-29 12:53:45 UTC
chicken soup
2010-08-29 08:02:30 UTC
SLEEP!!! Or Mimosas, yum!! (Hair of the dog!!)
gay white dude
2010-08-27 09:38:25 UTC
lots of water, lemon juice, aspirin and 8 hours of sleep.
2010-08-26 17:36:33 UTC
My dad says that a glass of buttermilk used to cure his mom's hangovers and me i take two aspirin before i go to sleep.
2010-08-26 16:45:23 UTC
Re hydrating; Drink a lot of fluids. (water, fruit juice or sport drinks, *but NOT the artificially sweetened ones*) Take two aspirin.
2010-08-28 15:54:14 UTC
alka seltzer tablets
2010-08-26 18:25:15 UTC
Ha ha, I suggest taking a nap. A nice long nap.
Frank P
2010-08-26 11:29:28 UTC
Old school drinkers will tell you to take the hair of the dog that bit you. In other words have a drink. I quit getting hangovers when i drink water after drinking and hit a oxygen tank for 3 minutes of pure air
2010-08-31 22:55:34 UTC
More beer
2010-08-30 23:29:28 UTC
stop promoting alcohol , you shouldn't be alcohol drinking you dumb stupid rat
2010-09-02 13:15:09 UTC
One word: Marijuana.
2010-08-27 00:07:05 UTC
its the best way of talking about your problem to somebody that cares about you.
2010-08-31 21:52:24 UTC
have some Tylenol or just sleep.
2010-08-27 08:10:12 UTC
TIME. that's the only way.
2010-09-03 07:40:23 UTC
I think cucumber or asparagus ?? :D
2010-09-02 07:29:56 UTC
Water!!! Now anyone!!!!! please answer mine!!!!!! come on it only takes one second to answer and i need help!!!! no one will answer :(
Gladys Mae
2010-08-30 23:39:57 UTC
hot congee :D
2010-08-30 09:29:55 UTC
dont drink,
2010-08-30 01:06:08 UTC
TIME!! time only
2010-08-27 10:27:29 UTC
eating/physical exersise/sleep
2010-08-27 09:20:25 UTC
The cure: sobriety.
taishan l
2010-08-27 01:21:11 UTC
Dont drink?
2010-08-28 02:15:20 UTC
water or sleep
2010-08-31 14:14:06 UTC
macaroni and cheese
2010-08-28 13:58:42 UTC
don"t hangover
2010-08-27 07:47:46 UTC
Dont drink??
2010-08-26 20:15:15 UTC
1 beer, 2 bong rips, and a couple aspirin
2010-08-26 17:38:52 UTC
Time is the only way. That's what they teach in anti-alcohol programs.
Carolina V
2010-08-26 15:53:29 UTC
My brother used to drink and have a hangover and he swore by eating lucky Charms in the morning and a glass of orange juice.
Ava Girl
2010-08-27 11:56:57 UTC
Don't drink. It's fool proof.
2010-08-31 18:21:56 UTC
2010-08-27 08:15:43 UTC
Don't drink.
2010-08-26 19:50:36 UTC
eat menudo its a mexican soup that my family make's it helps hangovers.
2010-08-26 18:19:44 UTC
2010-08-26 16:51:30 UTC
drink a small glass of white wine trust me it works
2010-08-27 01:35:34 UTC
Chris angel
2010-08-26 19:24:27 UTC
just drink plenty of fluids
Susan S
2010-08-26 11:41:33 UTC
take 3 Bufferin aspirin every 4 hours. stay in bed and put a warm washcloth over your forehead and eyes. eat only chicken noodle soup from a can. then go back to bed.
2010-08-27 14:54:27 UTC
The best way to cure a hangover is to never have the hangover to begin with. This means be careful as you're drinking. My friends and I have consumed embarrassing amounts of alcohol at parties before-- and yet we all usually wake up feeling great. How?

1) Pace yourself.

2) Water.

3) Careful what you mix.

4) Honey before bed.

Pacing yourself means keep it to absolutely no more than two drinks per hour, preferably less than that, especially if you're a lightweight. A drink means one beer, one glass of wine, one glass of a mixed drink, or one shot. Drinking too much too fast hits your system too hard. Besides, alcohol poisoning, vomiting on yourself, and half-remembered nudity is just unattractive. Pacing yourself keeps you from making a bad-word out of yourself.

Drink 4 to 8 ounces of water with or after every alcoholic beverage. Helps flush out the toxins in alcohol that deplete your system of things it needs. For parties at our place, we pass out water cups to everyone and refill them constantly. House rule is: You're not allowed a refill of your alcoholic beverage unless you've drained your water cup as well. Yes, you spend slightly more time in the bathroom, but you were already going to anyway since you're drinking heavy tonight. Get over it. Don't worry, it doesn't kill your buzz.

There are certain combinations you should not imbibe on the same night. Wine generally does not mix well with beer, especially sweeter or fruitier wines. If you're using liquor, keep your lights and darks separated on completely different days of the week. Darks (bourbons, whiskeys, etc.) are for sipping over ice, lights (vodka, tequila, etc.) are for mixed drinks and shots, and the two types will start an all-out war in your system if you put them together on the same night. Avoid things like flavored schnapps. Also keep in mind that some individual people don't do well with tequila or certain other types of booze. Be aware of your own ability to deal with different mixes. However, order of your drinks doesn't matter. You've heard "Beer before liquor, never been sicker," right? That's not necessarily true, as long as you watch your pacing-- prevention rule number 1. If you do two shots in a row, that's your two-drink quota for the next hour, meaning you need to lay off and take a break for a while. Drink your two cups of water to go with the two shots, too.

Honey right before bed is the last link of prevention. I've actually had this one alone work even on nights when I didn't pace myself, mixed some dumb stuff together, and drank little water. Either eat a four or five tablespoons straight or make a couple pieces of toast slathered lavishly with honey. Honey contains natural sugar compounds to help stabilize your blood sugar and replenishes magnesium and potassium that you need after drinking heavily. Any time you wake up to use the bathroom in the night, it doesn't hurt to eat a bit more honey. (And if it makes you barf from too much sweetness, that's fine-- upchucking removes a little more alcohol from your system.)


Okay, so let's say you didn't do very much prevention. All the toxins in alcohol have depleted your body's blood sugar levels as well as various minerals and nutrients. Your stomach is irritated and unhappy. You're dehydrated. Your liver is overworked. Here are the things you can try in any combination to fix your current problems. These are all things people with a reasonably-stocked kitchen will already have on hand:

--Water. Rehydrates. Mandatory, not optional. Careful of sports drinks. Many swear by them, others swear against them. Stick with non-controversial water and you're getting the best of the best for hydration.

--Honey. Stabilizes your blood sugar. Provides magnesium. Provides potassium.

--Banana. Stabilizes your blood sugar. Provides potassium. Smoothness and blandness calms stomach.

--Milk. Smooth and creamy to calm stomach. Liquid rehydrates.

--Multivitamin or just a B-Complex. Helps to replenish several depleted minerals/nutrients.

--Ovaltine or similar drink mix. Helps to replenish depleted minerals and combines easily with the milk or water.

--Homemade shake. Get out your blender (or have someone else do it for you if you can't take the noise). Throw in some ice cubes, and any or all of the above consumables. A honey-banana-milk-Ovaltine-ice cube shake actually isn't half-bad.

--Food. Eat something that feels wholesome and not greasy when your stomach feels recovered enough to handle it. Trust your instincts or cravings for the most part.

--Activity. As awful as you feel, staying in bed forever will just prolong the nasty feelings. Force yourself to get up and walk around.

--Hot shower. As hot as you can stand it. Helps sweat out a lot of the icky feelings. I've been extremely amazed at how much better this can make me feel. Night and day difference.

About headache remedies: Patience. You'll probably find that as your stomach and general malaise improves, your headache will fade as well. Taking Tylenol isn't a great idea since it isn't good for your overworked liver. I would recommend just waiting for your stomach to recover completely and then moving on to a caffeinated beverage. Caffeine usually helps headaches fade. But do stay hydrated!!!

If you could only pick three things to try, go with the honey, water, and hot shower. And next time, remember to prevent!

Happy drinking!
2010-08-26 21:12:35 UTC
wake up have a beer go for a run have a coffee and asprin then lay down
2010-08-26 15:37:33 UTC
2010-08-26 14:31:27 UTC
There's a whole article here about the foods you should eat and the drinks you should have when you're hungover. Check it out:
2010-08-28 01:53:03 UTC
Just stay drunk.
Zorboz Kalorboz
2010-08-28 00:15:31 UTC
Getting drunk again.
2010-08-27 14:34:27 UTC
2010-08-26 16:07:13 UTC
Kentucky Fried Chicken just eat some KFC you should be fine
2010-08-26 11:17:48 UTC
Two aspirin, some dry toast or crackers (you may have to choke them down, but they will help) and gatorade. Also some caffeine if you can stomach it. That usually gets you feeling human again.
2010-08-26 16:35:26 UTC
POP THOSE PILLS! XD Not really... But it'd relieve the pain :D
Ʈђі§ʈƖє™ ❤ First Ascent
2010-08-26 13:42:56 UTC
A big meal.....if you can face it. A cup of coffee and some painkillers.
2010-08-26 12:58:53 UTC
water before you go to bed, ibuprofen helps as does salt and vinegar crisps
2010-08-26 11:09:50 UTC
Tomato Juice or Tomato Sopa anyway the Tomato works excellent

you can also try a hot cofee
2010-08-26 17:04:37 UTC
getting a loyal friend to slap me across the face
2010-08-26 13:53:25 UTC
This is not fair!!

Why did u guys make this question 21+

I am only 15 >:(
2010-08-26 13:39:33 UTC
to rest and lie down for a while.

dont drink anything and just rest.

never had one just assuming.

watched tv and thats what they did.
The "BULL"
2010-08-26 11:40:00 UTC
In the ""Indian way"" it is to take another small quantity of the same brand of liquor on the next day morning.

Actually I tried it many a times when I had "hangover" and it worked beautifully.
2010-08-26 10:51:23 UTC
The best way to prevent a nasty hangover is....Before you go to bed pop some ibuprofen....Not after you drink but before you go to bed.....From professionals who have said that this is the way to approach a hangover.
2010-08-28 13:25:58 UTC
2010-08-26 21:16:47 UTC
Don't get Drunk
Eau So Fresh
2010-08-26 15:37:06 UTC
You dont drink. Its as simple as that.
2010-08-26 12:42:18 UTC
Don't drink alcohol, have water and rest.
Justin D
2010-08-26 11:51:21 UTC
I heard drinking coffee helps, but I've never tried it.
2010-08-26 10:58:27 UTC
Young coconut juice and Coca-cola (not mixed, drink seperately).
2010-08-29 16:20:53 UTC
stay drunk
2010-08-28 18:51:19 UTC
water and gaToraiddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Felicia Q
2010-08-26 12:31:16 UTC
Don't drink to the point of getting a hangover to begin with! : )

I hardly ever drink, but it's easy ... stick to a two drink limit.. it's perfect.

2010-08-26 12:24:19 UTC
Oral Re-hydration salts in water (in sachets from a chemist) the same as used for after an attack of diarrhea/diarrhoea, can help with a hangover,but prevention is always better than cure.

Aspirin (and ibuprofen to a lesser extent) can irritate the stomach and GI tract whilst it is already irritated by alcohol (Gastritis)

Paracetamol 500mg x 2(1 g) no more than 4 hourly contrary to popular belief (the normal dose) is not particularly hepatoxic,and gentle on the stomach and bowel.

Ensuring you are hydrated prior to drinking and having a good meal with your alcoholic beverage will help you not over-drink or be affected by alcohol as much in the first place.

Caffeine Drinks further dehydrate you(so drink water as well)but can speed up the delivery of paracetamol.

Remember,If Alcohol were submitted as a drug today, it would fail clinical trials outright due to how dangerous it can be to health.

Keeping below the maximum daily recommended Units of alcoholic drink for your gender when you do drink,almost never results in a hangover.

My secret is I choose not to drink alcohol,for no other reason than I have seen many people get very ill from its use,and some have died before age 40.
2010-08-26 15:53:12 UTC
saline drip...instant cure
2010-08-26 15:15:40 UTC
Best way to cure one is to not have one in the first place.

EDIT: Thumbs me down all you want, you know it's true.
2010-08-31 13:59:09 UTC
2010-08-26 17:34:38 UTC
2010-08-26 15:34:16 UTC
Dance it off!
2010-08-26 12:13:07 UTC
I've never been drunk (just not a drinker) so I've never had one, so I guess my answer is, don't get drunk in the first place? (Does that count?)
Net Advisor™
2010-08-26 12:10:02 UTC
The best cure for a hangover is not getting drunk in the first place.

There are some fun and interesting answers so far, however after doing a little more research on the subject, it looks like there are many "Wives' Tales" (urban legends) for a number of answers such as taking a cold shower, having someone strike you (that's also called battery), eating Lucky Charms, taking over-the counter pain killers, drinking more the next day or combining one alcohol with another kind of alcohol.

What are "Wives' Tales?"

What is "battery?"

Some parts of this post have been edited to address some of these popular myths.

So let's take a look based on actual independent support for causes and any alleged cures:

1. The body loses most of its water soluble vitamins (Vitamins B1 to B12 and C) from high urination. Those need to be replaced. Vitamin B6 especially.

2. It is suggested that water is good to rehydrate the body.

However drinking lots of water will not rid the symptoms of alcohol, or "flush the alcohol out of the body." Alcohol is processed by the liver.

"About 90-98 percent of alcohol that you drink is broken down in your liver."


Some people seem to think that caffeine is a solution to a hangover.

Caffeine is a stimulate and alcohol is a depressant. So part of the body is slowing due to the effects of alcohol, and the body is also being impacted by the effects of caffeine. This is like a storm in your system. Taking stimulates and depressants together in any form probably are not the best idea.

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine,

"...too much caffeine can make you restless, anxious and irritable. It may also keep you from sleeping well and cause headaches, abnormal heart rhythms or other problems."

So if one is trying to sleep off their hangover, or stop a headache, caffeine does not seem to be a viable solution.


ADH's purpose is to help the body retain more water in the blood stream, and less excreted in the urine.

The Mayo Clinic states that "Hangovers are caused by drinking too much alcohol."

Further, "Hangover symptoms typically begin when your blood alcohol drops significantly and is at or near zero."

It is true that alcohol influences the hormone ADH, causing people to urinate more frequently, however ADH is not the only cause of a hangover. There are other contributing factors to this effect.

Other Causes of a Hangover:

1. "Alcohol irritates the lining of your stomach, increases the production of stomach acid and delays stomach emptying. Any of these factors can cause abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting."

2. "Alcohol can cause your blood sugar to fall. If your blood sugar dips too low, you may experience fatigue, weakness, shakiness and mood disturbances."

3. "Alcohol causes your blood vessels to expand, which can lead to headaches."

4. "Alcohol can make you sleepy — but your quality of sleep will decrease. This may leave you groggy and fatigued."

Source: The Mayo Clinic

Aspirin & Acetaminophen:

With regard to taking Aspirin or Acetaminophen (Tylenol, etc.), that may not be the best strategy.

"A small dose of an over-the-counter pain reliever may ease your headache. But there are a few caveats. Aspirin can irritate your stomach. And if you sometimes drink alcohol to excess, acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) can cause severe liver damage even in doses previously thought to be safe."

"drugs in this category may also cause liver injury if taken in excess in combination with another hepatotoxic substance, such as alcohol."

--- Melissa Palmer, MD

It seems the popular answer thus far has been what causes a hangover, but the question is "What’s the best way to cure a hangover?"

The answer seems to be that one can take action to try and reduce the hangover symptoms such as:

1. "...Water or fruit juice to prevent dehydration. Resist any temptation to treat your hangover with more alcohol. It'll only make you feel worse."

2. "...Bland foods, such as toast and crackers, may boost your blood sugar and settle your stomach. Bouillon soup can help replace lost salt and potassium. Foods and drinks that contain fructose, such as honey or fruit juice, may help your body burn the alcohol faster."

3. Sleep it off. "...If you sleep long enough, your hangover may be gone when you awaken."


The science seems to argue that these "cures" really will not stop the effects of intoxication of the brain.

A 2005 study published in the British Medical Journal said that there is “No compelling evidence to suggest that any complementary or conventional intervention is effective for treating or preventing alcohol hangover.”

Thus the "best cure" seems to be to "limit ones alcohol intake."

Alcohol Safety & Motor Vehicles

One should also NEVER operate a motor vehicle if they intend to be drinking alcohol.

According to MADD, "In 2008, an estimated 11,773 people died in alcohol-impaired traffic crashes."

"Three in every 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lives."

The costs of a 1st time DUI (Driving Under the Influence) can cost close to or over $10,000 depending on laws in a particular state.

"DUI: The $10,000 ride home"$10000RideHome.aspx

"Cost of a DUI"

This may be useful from the University of Oklahoma, Police Dept.

"Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Calculator"

Final Note:

I know this was long, but it is also factually support. My intent is if this gets out to enough people and even if just one person reads this and decides that they will not drink and drive, then it may just save their life and the lives of others on the road.

general question:

Do people thumbs dn because they don't like the answer or because the answer is not factual. In psychology, emotional answers are rarely the best answer. I have tired to support the majority of my answer using 3rd party credible references to help educate, verses post bias or unsubstantiated opinion.
Bεεbe ❀Tяee
2010-08-26 11:00:01 UTC
i belive its ..not to drink at all..i don't why people drink anyway

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.