Is it bad?
2016-08-25 16:22:36 UTC
is it bad for a 14 year old girl to smoke cigarettes, and weed? is it bad to drink alcohol at 14?
196 answers:
2016-08-27 14:27:28 UTC
No smoking is bad for everyone. And don't listen to people when they tell you that weed and alcohol is okay because it's not. Weed kills your brain cells and if you smoke it long enough you'll be all spaced out and it makes you slow down. I knew a guy who was only 27 years old and he's been smoking pot since he was 13 and he was really out of it. Like his speech pattern was slow and he had a hard time with his thought patterns too. He couldn't work and he lived with his mom. True story. Anyway he was a good guy but really messed up. And if you have never lived with an alcoholic you wouldn't know about the smells, the empty beer cans and trash all over the place, the vomit on the floor, hearing someone vomit half the night, the mood swings, the breaking glass, the fighting, the money and valueables disappearing and mysterious liquor appearing, and on it goes. I mean, I believe social drinking is ok but when it becomes an addiction it gets really really messy. Also destroys your health.
2016-08-27 01:35:55 UTC
When I was 14 or 15 I started smoking cigarettes, this habit persisted well into my 20's and is probably why I will have some form of cancer in my life. Please do yourself a huge favor and stop with cigarettes! At least try vaping or something if you feel the need to continue with nicotine. Vaping though it is not healthy is better than smoking cigarettes. As for weed and alcohol, those things are perfectly fine in moderation, I started smoking weed and drinking when I was about 14 or 15 also and I've never had a problem with it, just don't let either of them take over your life because that's it when it becomes a problem.
2016-08-27 06:42:13 UTC
It's bad for anyone. But it's normal for someone to have tried those things by 14. Out of the three, smoking is the worst, as it will become very addicting and you could be hooked on it for the rest of your life. Besides, smoking is nasty and stinks. The other two aren't so bad if you do them in moderation. However, the drinking can have some really dangerous consequences (drunk driving, and it could make you very vulnerable in certain situations). The drinking and the weed could also lead to problems with the law. And all 3 can be a major waste of your money.

Best thing to do is avoid all three. As you get older, you'll find that doing those things just to be cool is kinda stupid.
2016-08-29 07:47:52 UTC
Well most people would tell you it's bad & not to do it. However I think giving an honest answer is a more productive way to do things. So here is my take on it.

All legal & moral BS aside it's normal for a lot of people to have at least tried one or more of these things. I don't think tobacco is really good for you and should be avoided because it's highly addictive and not to mention expensive. Weed however I admit is fun as hell and if you are gonna smoke it just do so in moderation, make it last and don't get ripped every day. Alcohol is really something that ought to be saved for special occasions or stormy nights in my opinion. Like with weed just use it in moderation and you will likely be fine. Like with everything in life they all have their upsides and downsides. Tobacco is about 98% downside really. To compare a few examples between tobacco & weed, The "high" you get from tobacco is VERY short whereas with weed it normally lasts a few hours (Though I remember one instance where I was baked for nearly 3 days.). The cost is another point. Last I saw a pack of cigs cost 4-10$ depending on brand & type mostly. Weed will almost always run the same price in my experience and is generally cheaper in the long run because all you need is a few hits and your good for hours. I don't really have much more to say on alcohol except that if you are going to drink get good stuff and make it last.
2016-08-28 14:04:25 UTC
I just had a dear friend die from cancer. He was a strong military man but he looked like a bag of bones on his death bed. When he breathed you could hear the fluid bubbling in his lungs. He was in unimaginable pain until he died.

If that's how you wanna die be my guest. You can look forward to rotting teeth too. No man will want to kiss you when your teeth are brown and everything you own smells like cigarette smoke.

Smoking weed doesn't help your lungs. Any kind of smoking is harmful. Weed is good for pain management and many medical conditions but I'm sure there's nothing wrong with you.

If you must use weed be smart and vaporize it or make edibles. Preserve your lungs. Listen to your body. Are you unmotivated? Do you feel more lazy or have trouble concentrating? Might be wise to quit the weed.

As for cigarettes...they're completely useless and disgusting. Quit now. I'm an ex-smoker. Quitting is the best thing you can do.
2016-08-26 17:21:04 UTC
Cigarettes bad. Weed okay and alcohol okay. Weed and alcohol are good at moderation just like junk food and most things. Cigarettes on the other hand you might watch out for. You're better off smoking weed than being one of those 250 LB fattie girls that eat 3500 calories a day. But if you want to stop, find an new hobby. Go for knife collecting. Get yourself some Nepalese handmade kukri imports as well as Filipino barongs and Randall bowies. Can't afford custom made knives? Go for Kershaw and production blades. ****, go for Mora! Want to be flashy? Get yourself some Beltrame Stilettos and Filipino handmade balisongs.
2016-08-28 05:58:57 UTC
When your parents were young, people could buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere — even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we're more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on TV, radio, and in many magazines.

Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So how come people are still lighting up? The answer, in a word, is addiction.
2016-08-27 02:50:20 UTC
Cigarettes bad. Weed okay and alcohol okay. Weed and alcohol are good at moderation just like junk food and most things. Cigarettes on the other hand you might watch out for. You're better off smoking weed than being one of those 250 LB fattie girls that eat 3500 calories a day. But if you want to stop, find an new hobby. Go for knife collecting. Get yourself some Nepalese handmade kukri imports as well as Filipino barongs and Randall bowies. Can't afford custom made knives? Go for Kershaw and production blades. ****, go for Mora! Want to be flashy? Get yourself some Beltrame Stilettos and Filipino handmade balisongs.
2016-08-27 01:05:56 UTC
Cigarettes are just poison you are self-inducing and willingly let enter your body, it feels sick and feels disgusting after, yet the mild euphoria, blood rush and head high is what makes it desirable (only lasts for about 10 seconds at most).

Marijuana is perfectly safe for use and combsumption, just make sure you get it from a trustworthy source due to people tampering with it before selling (i.e. lacing with pcp). I don't know what you smoke from but blunts aren't good for your health (they taste great though) so use a bong or vape for clean hits.

Alcohol is only fine if it is something such as red wine. The brain does not stop growing until you are in your twenties, so any action that harms you now will remain with you for the rest of your life. If you're going to drink hard, pace yourself, don't overdo it and don't drink straight.

Never drive under the influence and make sure you are with people you can trust, this world is feel of others who have no regards towards morals and values so be careful.
Bree Mccasland
2016-08-29 00:25:11 UTC
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE ON WEED and cigarettes. I have been smoking regularly since 15. I'm 21 now and I honestly have a hard time. I have a terrible memory, I get stories mixed up and forget words.I have a slower reaction time. I live a healthy and active lifestyle, but I can still tell that it affected me. Weed is a blessing, but PLEASE wait until you are 25 and your brain is fully developed to become a regular user. Cigarettes are also just not worth it. You lose the buzz, and you never get it back. I've been smoking cigs for 3 years and even with great hygiene my teeth are staining and my skin is not vibrant and starting to look too much older. Take care of yourself before you regret not.
2016-08-27 12:04:06 UTC
Very bad for your health, not a moral thing for me. Especially smoking. Tobacco is crazy bad for you and not worth the health sacrifice, and can become addictive and expensive. Weed, cook it with butter, on a low heat, then make brownies or whatever, just don't put it in your lungs. Alcohol in limited quantities, but wait until older, give your body a chance to grow and develop. You will still need your liver when you are 60. Be nice to your body, you will be glad you did.
2016-08-28 21:17:26 UTC
ciggrates are always bad for you doesn't matter how old or young you are and weed is also bad but its worse if you smoke before you turn 18/19,because when you are 14 your brain is growing up you are learning a lot of things that you will carry on doing for the rest of your life in another words your brain is maturing and instead of learning those things if you stay high you won't remember much.

i mean if you smoke it once or twice then thats enough,its never too late to stop.
2016-08-29 14:52:18 UTC
This kind of sounds like a rhetorical question. It doesn't really need an answer, 'cause the answer is obvious. Yes, it's bad to drink alcohol and smoke weed at the age of 14. I didn't even do that when I was that age.
2016-08-28 13:22:21 UTC
A little alcohol is okay but not too much. But smoking in general is very bad for you especially cigarettes. If you smoke weed you should do it at least 2 times a year that's what I do. I use weed as a stress reliever but I only do it when i have like 7 exams in one week
2016-08-27 09:39:19 UTC
Yes it is very bad to smoke cigarettes bcos they can damage lungs, get u cancer and stop you from breathing possibly. On the other hand smoking weed is okay bcos nothing really bad happens to you, the only thing that happens is that u get high and from there it's ur decision if you would want to harm your self and etc. Alcohol is alright but if I was you I would wait until I'm 16 or drink it little buy little. Never drink whole bottles bcos that can cause something to happen. Soo overall keep smoking weed and remember after u get high stay safe 😊
2016-08-27 12:02:18 UTC
Weed is okay but cigarettes and alcohol is horrible. Alcohol will eventually destroy your liver. Weed us okay if don't have a job thatb pea tested you daily. But weed is still illegal and cops have slowed down on searching vechiles for weed. But since it's still illegal you can be arrested for it if get caught by a police officer if they think your driving high as a kite. High as kite is no different then drinking and driving. So I would enjoy it now the weed but once you become a adult you have stop using weed. If you want a job and hate to tell you this but when you retire from work force around 80 just guessing then you can resume weed or maybe alcohol. But everything is in moderation. Just don't get caught young doing stupid stuff. Don't ever become a drug dealer. Your better off just buying drugs. Then selling. You will ruin your life if you decide to become a drug dealer. Remember consequences of drugs and alcohol. But especially don't do alcohol if you love your liver
2016-08-25 18:25:40 UTC
Cigarettes are bad for your health. If you don't now that you must live in a cave. Alcohol is bad when you drink too much. At 14 you are not responsible enough to drink. And cannabis is not illegal in all states. It's a plant. It has been medicinally around the world for hundreds of years. In fact when you get cancer from smoking for 20 years and your liver starts to fail from years of alcohol abuse cannabis will probably be prescribed to you.
2016-08-29 04:31:12 UTC
I'd say that it's bad because especially since you're starting at suck a young age, you should focus on your studies to have more options around the world but if you start doing all these things, worse still, get addicted it might make your life a really rough and complicated road
2016-08-28 16:22:30 UTC
Not only is it bad, it is also illegal. Smoking anything can stunt your growth. If you stay short, you remain short. Nothing can be done about it. There goes that modeling or dancing career you dreamed of, if you could have only been a bit taller. Smoking causes mouth wrinkles and eye wrinkles. You will look old and worn out, long before you are 30. Like a total hag. Alcohol kills brain cells. People need brain cells to function properly.
2016-08-28 10:28:12 UTC
Honestly, anytime you inhale any kind of smoke its bad. It's bad for your lungs and heart, etc. however, weed is significantly LESS bad than cigarettes. I don't really care for alcohol, though I know some do, but yes that is also bad for you. it screws with your brain and you can become addicted and dependent on all three of these things.
2016-08-27 02:23:39 UTC
There is no reason at all to smoke cigarettes, at any age.

There is really no reason to drink alcohol, at any age either.

Although alcohol is probably not as harmful as cigarettes. It still is harmful, especially if you

turn out to be alcoholic.Some Alcohol drinks can´even have some few health benefits,

I would´nt advice anyone to start drinking alcohol. You might argue that alcohol is not so bad, if you can control

it. But that is a silly argument. Why hurt yourself in any way ?
2016-08-27 03:56:06 UTC
Yes, these things are bad at any age. In most areas the law requires you to be 18 to do any of these things. Especially avoid cigarettes, as they will become a bad habit that will destroy your health. They are a waste of time, money, and your health. I would also avoid alcohol and especially weed. Do yourself a favor and find something better to do.
Matt Szlaga
2016-08-26 21:46:52 UTC
Yes. Save your money.

Experimentation with marijuana can be ok... may gain some personal insight but beyond that if it grows into a coping mechanism, it could take decades to stop... as I speak to my 14 year old self.

With no pot I'm brighter, smarter, and faster. I laugh the same, joke the same... and I SAVE LOTS OF DOUGH! Peace and love....

ALCOHOL? It is RARE for 14 year olds to regularly drink alcohol. Most do not so you are LIMITING yourself to a very small subgroup to begin with...

Yes, if you are asking.... since you are asking, the answer is yes because your question pertains to guilt which you have either experienced, or seek not to experience.

Love. Have faith and pray to God... seriously. That will gain you more love than ANY of the experimentation, bills, and eventual, inevitable criminal records.
2016-08-29 07:41:24 UTC
It's bad for anyone but especially a 14 year old
2016-08-27 23:23:17 UTC
2016-08-30 11:23:44 UTC
Only if you value good brain development and prefer not to become an addict. The word 'addiction' means 'being spoken for..' it owns your mind and body. The brain keeps developing until the early 20's. People who use drugs and alcohol in the early teens are ten times as likely to have an addiction as an adult.

Emotional maturity freezes at the age one starts using regularly.. Also, smokers and drinkers age really badly, get sick more, have more down time from jobs and get sick more. You do want to be pretty, healthy and smart, don't you? And be attractive to pretty, healthy and smart people?
2016-08-28 19:57:52 UTC
It's bad
2016-08-27 06:28:20 UTC
I have been a smoker for 50 years but would never have started if I knew then what I know now. You see I started smoking in an era when smoking was widely accepted and even recommended for certain mental health problems. Many young people drink, smoke and do drugs to be cool and fit in with their peers, but that is no reason to do things which are illegal and damaging. It may not be cool to refuse to join in but in the long term your health will benefit from abstaining.
2016-08-25 16:24:51 UTC
Yes, well it's bad for anyone to smoke cigarettes, but at such a young age you are doing yourself harm plus you cant have cigarttes or alcohol until your 18 and Cannabis is illegal, you could be arrested if caught by the police, best stop now,
2016-08-28 20:26:28 UTC
Yes it is cause at 14 your still growing and these things can ruin your body unless you smoke the weed another way without rolling papers or blunts but then again at 14 don't bother smoking weed cause you do not know where these dealers are getting it from or what they are mixing with it. Most of all think about your future. Peace,Love,Joy ☺
2016-08-27 22:51:28 UTC
2016-08-25 21:25:17 UTC
Yes it is bad to smoke have weed or even drink at the age of 14 and i mean it as a serious offence. I personally feel its bad to consume such thing even at any age when you judge it healhwise.
Emily DeRose
2016-08-27 18:31:38 UTC
YES YES YES these are all very bad for you especially at your age!! Alcohol and cigarettes are bad for EVERYONE for many reasons and smoking weed at your age can mess with the wiring of your still developing brain! (Until you turn 25, but alcohol can mess with your brain as well - well past the age of 25 and it can also ruin your liver) I advise you AVOID THESE!! Alcohol is okay in moderation but please just avoid it until you're at the legal drinking age, and once you're 25 smoking weed won't really hurt you. For cigarettes, just stay away, they're nasty. Just read what they make those things with.
2016-08-26 07:35:44 UTC
For you to have to ask, you already know the answer is yes! I know kids have a hard time looking into the future, but just remember the sooner you start bad habits, the longer you'll have them. If you start abusing your mind and body now, imagine what a mess you'll be in your mid-30s, the age when even healthy athletes start to decline.
2016-08-26 06:24:35 UTC
Thats bad
2016-08-27 02:20:20 UTC
It is always bad to smoke cigarettes and weeds and drinking alcohol because they are very bad for health. Doing these things in very young age is very very bad because if you start in this age it is very difficult to leave this habit after few years even after your health condition is affected.

A habit is a spirit (invisible element). All spirits have the dominating character. This spirit can take you to the extent of suicide. I mean, you won't bother about your health even after your health is gone.
Nikki P
2016-08-25 16:58:24 UTC
One word answer...YES.

cigarettes are nasty. Have no idea why anyone would want to start smoking. Expensive and smelly. Not to mention how great you will look toting around oxygen later or the devastating side effects of cancer treatments.

Not to mention that it is not legal at your age.

Same with drinking...not legal at your age. If you are caught you may not be able to get a license when you would usually get one, difficult to get insurance when you do. Not to mention any expenses that your parents will have to front for legal or liability issues.

And same with weed..depending on where you live..not of legal age yet or it is just not legal where you are. Go back to legal expenses or liability expenses.
2016-08-28 16:52:53 UTC
Its bad
2016-08-29 18:04:37 UTC
Both are bad no matter how you see it. It's how much you consume - you can become addicted to it. I don't smoke but I do drink occasionally. Preferably wine - a glass of wine is good for the heart.
2016-08-26 15:02:07 UTC
I'm 13 years old and most of my friends smoke weed and drink and smoke cigarettes too but I don't do it I only smoke weed once and a while I don't drink or smoke cigarettes but most of my friends started doing that at the age of 10 I started smoking weed when I was 11 but word of advise don't do it a lot don't get addicted to smoking and drinking I live in (the hood or the westside) as some people call it when everyone smokes and drinks but don't do it just to be cool I only smoke weed to calm me down when I'm angry so if you don't do any of it don't but if your addicted or anyone you k ow is addicted to anything help them get un addicted it's not good for your health so don't please take my advice
2016-08-26 10:29:13 UTC
Yes that's bad.
2016-08-26 19:25:57 UTC
Cigarettes are bad, they are cancer sticks. Weed and alcohol not so bad. But is there a reason you do it? If you do it just to be cool I am sayin this because you are only 14, then it is bad.
2016-08-26 13:30:13 UTC
"Bad" is so subjective. When I was 14, my stepbrother and I were having sex on a daily basis. At the time, I thought he loved me and would marry me soon. Naughty sex was so cool. I didn't realize that he was abusing me- mistreating me and setting me up for a sad life. Bad? sorta. Took years of therapy to become whole again.

At 14, I got drunk on Peach Schnapps, and threw up blue and orange for 2 hours. at the time, it was disgusting and terrifying. NOw it is funny. See?

At 14, I babysat for kids of a 38 year old neighbor who also molested me. I thought he would leave his wife and marry me. She left him instead and got murdered. I DIDN'T REALIZE HE WAS A DRUNK AND LOSER. She was a lesbian. I didn't know what that meant at the time- except my panties kept disappearing and I would find them in her bed when I made it.

At 6, my mother died of cancer - and never smoked - but my dad smoked (can you say 2nd hand smoke.) I smoked for a few months in high school and thought it was disgusting. NOW, 60 years later, I still have to tell doctors that I smoked for a while, as an idiot kid!

I was free of alcohol, drugs and smokes for over 40 years, and then last month went to Colorado to visit my son and got high with my grown up son (legal). Bad? NO. waste of time, yeah!

Now I have the occasional glass of wine, occasional ice cream, and go nowhere that cigarettes will be. I do not enjoy watching drunks cavort and hate to be around when t hey drive. I still have plenty of time to do what i love, visit friends and relatives, be creative and work.

The best decision I ever made in my life was to become and remain sober. I have learned a lot and given a lot to the world and REMEMBER it! Most of all, I am proud of myself.

Are you? Every decision you make now matters later-if not sooner.
2016-08-27 10:18:12 UTC
Yeah, doing those kinds of stuff during puberty can mess you up and could start bad habits. I think they're all fine if that's your choice but i think everyone should wait until you're of age. No need to rush
2016-08-25 16:44:07 UTC
Cigarettes and alcohol are hell on your body. Starting at such a young age will have you looking like an aging middle-aged woman before you reach 25. You're also getting an early start on lung cancer. Good luck!
2016-08-26 18:09:02 UTC
It's mostly bad at that age because it's illegal for that age. The health effects are bad too but not too bad if it's in moderation.
2016-08-27 06:35:47 UTC
2016-08-28 15:33:41 UTC
Smoking and drinking alcohol are bad for people of all ages.

You shouldn't smoke or drink especially when you're 14. You're still young and you should take care for your health.

Good luck with that.
2016-08-28 20:19:54 UTC
Ur dumb, why did you start smoking? U've now just shorten ur life for a few years because of that. Consuming alcohol is bad for your brain development, so i recommend not to have any, try and avoid if you can or just drink a tiny it
2016-08-27 12:27:26 UTC
It's bad for everyone
2016-08-27 13:14:17 UTC
2016-08-27 11:55:59 UTC
Every teen will want to experiment with substances, it's just part of the age. I you don't get hooked, pay attention in school, don't waste all your money, and make good choices you should be fine. Do not try anything other than weed!!!
2016-08-30 10:15:51 UTC
Yes it is bad for everyone. Because, Clearly, cigarettes have a major impact on the lungs. An estimated 85% of cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and of lung cancer are caused by smoking. About a third of all cancer cases are due to smoking, including:

Cancer of the esophagus

Cancer of the mouth

Cancer of the uterus

Bladder cancer

Stomach cancer

Pancreatic cancer

Tobacco use is also a significant cause of heart disease. In fact, smoking considerably increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Smoking can also affect fertility. In addition, smoking during pregnancy can adversely affect fetal development, for example, increase the likelihood of premature birth and low birth weight.
2016-08-27 09:02:51 UTC
2016-08-29 00:56:02 UTC
My Uncle started Drinking at 14
2016-08-28 04:37:54 UTC
Yes, it is very bad for you until you get older. If you have to take it you should take very little. Even as an adult it's only good in moderation.
2016-08-27 09:05:34 UTC
A few girls I know started smoking at 12. Two of them smoked weed and always invited people around for 'sleepovers'. The rest of them smoked just tobacco. I've never smoked and I'm not planning to any time soon.
2016-11-20 09:19:57 UTC
this kind of sounds like a rhetorical question... it doesn't really need an answer, 'cause the answer is obvious... yeah, it's bad to drink alcohol and smoke weed at the age of 14... i didn't even do that when i was that age...
2016-08-29 00:44:54 UTC
It's really bad
Rizwan Khan
2016-08-28 00:21:03 UTC
It's bad for anyone. Cigarettes are bad for your health. It is harmful and a lot of side affects for health
2016-08-25 19:52:39 UTC
Never! These things were put on earth for a reason. Infact i started these when i was two. Oooh yeah, a chilled beer and a rolled up joint was the life while others my age were still suckin on grape juices.

P.S- beware of the night rider. If he catches you the butterflies are gonna fly into your mind of shallow depths and... Wait a min, im high
2016-08-29 04:36:14 UTC
Yes obviously it is bad. Smoking should be avoided at highest preference. It makes you physically ill and these diseases are like never ending till a human dies.
2016-08-27 09:55:06 UTC
When i was 14-16 years old i was start smoke but now i feel it is bad when i am 22 years old.
2016-08-26 11:57:06 UTC
Is ot bad for you to be on the internet ? Yes.

At the age of 14 i was covering my self in flour and roll on the floor pretending i m a dough.
2016-08-29 10:35:28 UTC
No one should smoke at any age. Bad for everyone. 14 is too young to drink....even just a little.
Marietta A
2016-08-28 17:20:26 UTC
Your lungs are not fully developed until about 21 so why not give them a chance to be healthy for a few more years?

Alcohol destroys brain cells, not to mention your reasoning. Why would you want to continue life with a disadvantage so early?
Doug Freyburger
2016-08-26 14:25:37 UTC
Yes. Bad.

Cigarettes at any age means you are dumb.

Pot underage means you are dumb, 21 and older means you are not professional.

Alcohol underage means you are dumb.

I don't expect you to like the answer but that's the conclusion very many adults will reach.
2016-08-27 03:45:01 UTC
alcohol is bad for health small children like 10 to 14-year-old boys or girls.smoking is bad for lungs.
2016-08-27 12:22:44 UTC
Cigarttes and weed yes, wrong

Alcohol, in normal amounts, like a glass of wine at a cultural event, yes
2016-08-26 10:38:59 UTC
Dont want to sound like a old person nun but i started smokong cigs when i was 15 , im 20 now and want to quit , cigs **** ur breathing up your mouth up , some cases make you really skinny like me and age you quickly , you do not have to smoke for 20 years + to see the effects from smoking cigs , no comment on weed but cigs quit while you can because once the damage is done theres no reversing please quit cigs!
Katya B
2016-08-26 20:08:52 UTC
Health wise they're all bad, and take years off of your life, but legal wise it all depends on your country for what age it's all legal.
2016-08-25 22:35:04 UTC
As we all know cigarettes and drinking too much is bad for our body, let me be the one to tell you: not everyone is gonna agree with your choices but it's your life
2016-08-28 06:35:11 UTC
yes overeating is bad for any man
2016-08-27 12:49:34 UTC
Yes, smoking and drinking alcohol is very bad for you
2016-08-28 04:02:33 UTC
It's bad for everyone but mainly children under 18 because they're still "kids" and thete still growing
2016-08-25 16:26:23 UTC
Not unless you want liver damage and lungs all clogged up. Stick to the weed avoid cigarettes use hemp papers. Even though your kind of young to smoke weed. But if anything is better than anything man made
2016-08-25 17:09:00 UTC
Yes, and Yes, and Yes. But you might not have the same idea of bad as most people.
2016-08-28 10:30:47 UTC
The fact that your asking this question in the first place kinda says you've already overdone the weed and the booze so anymore isn't exactly going to make much of a difference.
2016-08-27 08:30:14 UTC
Of course... Smoking and drinking is no longer cool guys. The only ones who think that are idiots. You're way too young, your brain isn't nearly developed enough to drink and smoke.
2016-08-25 16:39:30 UTC
No, those are great things. That's why they're readily available in the school cafeteria and in hallway vending machines. Nothing will help you figure out calculus better than being high.
2016-08-29 01:40:31 UTC
It's bad to smoke cigarettes, drink not too much is ok.
2016-08-26 20:21:13 UTC
It's unhealthy
2016-08-27 11:50:42 UTC
Yes they are bad!
2016-08-27 16:55:11 UTC
It will be extremely bad if she gets hooked on them and can't quit, if she does too much or overdoses, or gets into an accident or injured while high or drunk.
2016-08-31 20:34:18 UTC
Yes, it's very bad.
2016-08-27 20:11:15 UTC
Well Cigarettes reduce the oxygen intake in your body & weakens your lungs & turns your heart black

Alcohol damages brain cells & ruins your skin & if you overload yourself with alcohol possibly cancer

Best to avoid both of them but drinking a little bit of alcohol could be beneficial for the body just a little
2016-08-27 06:21:23 UTC
It's bad at any age.
2016-08-26 22:42:27 UTC
durrays are so bad don't smoke them, weeds alright there's nothing wrong with snoop dogg and he's still popping and he's being doing that for a long time and alcohol is healthy. so the only thing I recommend you not doing is durrays(cigarettes).
2016-08-30 20:18:58 UTC
i new a boxer who had been in the world war 1 and 2 smoked since he was 11 died aged 97
2016-08-30 09:40:10 UTC
You better re think about using. Illicit drugs are harmful and believe or not,

the urge will be with you for the rest of your life.

Do your self and family a favor by staying away from illicit drugs.
2016-08-29 02:26:56 UTC
yeah its to bad to smoke and drink alcohol at the age of 15
2016-08-27 09:17:19 UTC
im 14 too and i just got back from my mates 13th and we had some weed but ciggerettes are bad but weed is nothing weed is awesome dw about weed but don't drink too much at this age
2016-08-27 14:04:39 UTC
It is bad despite the age. In the long term no one thinks it is good, when you starting seeing the changes within the body from disease that might occur.
2016-08-28 04:56:37 UTC
Yes at 14 you do not need to smoke personally i think nobody should smoke weed or cigarettes it kills your brain cells and you can get cancer so stop before you get addicted and your life is cut short
2016-08-28 13:01:45 UTC
ur a major dumbass if u drink/smoke weed/etc, ESPECIALLY at the age of 14. is that the only way kids can entertain themselves these days? i saw a post the other day of a kid who got payed $1500 because he didnt smoke or drink until the age 18. kids should not be rewarded for not doing illegal things, but apparently these days the only way to keep kids out of trouble is to reward them with large sums of money or presents.
2016-08-27 12:05:44 UTC
yes its bad
2016-08-27 16:47:32 UTC
Smoking & drinking at such a young age creates a severe dependency. Better late then never.
2016-08-29 13:18:53 UTC
Of course, it is very bad for everyone. These are injurious to health.
2016-08-27 03:01:55 UTC
Too right it is bad
2016-08-28 17:22:11 UTC
It's very bad for you, also for anyone.
2016-08-27 07:54:54 UTC
All of the things you mentioned can kill you if used to a certain extent. Especially cigarettes, so yeah, they ARE bad.
2016-08-28 07:14:13 UTC
I prefer none, but it's up to you to say if it's good or bad, we can't stop you if u want to, just make sure not to burn a hole in your wallet
2016-08-30 18:59:45 UTC
Yes it is very bad only smoke it if its medical weed and dont smoke it causes cancer.
2016-08-27 00:31:37 UTC
Even as an grown adult its bad habits girl
2016-08-28 05:29:00 UTC
Weed, alcohol and cigarettes are bad as well as dangerous.
2016-08-26 09:12:12 UTC
Yes, it is bad. Even adults shouldn't be smoking (and that includes weed, unless you have cancer, MS, etc)
2016-08-26 04:43:57 UTC
Ya it is very bad thing try to reduce it
2016-08-27 08:18:43 UTC
Very very bad! Study well and prepare for the future.
2016-08-27 15:06:46 UTC
Sofa King Good
2016-08-27 12:46:31 UTC
Smoking anything risks cancer, soaking week risks psychological damage. Alcohols will damage your liver but if tic can avoid addiction, is probably the better of the three
2016-08-30 13:06:29 UTC
Don't do it! It's bad not just for you but for everyone that smokes and drinks alcohol! Please don't do it, it will **** up your life! Once you do it sometimes you can't stop!
2016-08-29 02:57:59 UTC
so bad, it lead to harm herself and family. The thing is she get nothing good from smoking.
2016-08-28 21:48:15 UTC
Save your money, your breathe, your teeth, your future. Not only are these things gross and terrible for you, they are gateway drugs to more dangerous things that will turn you into someone you don't want to be. :(
2016-08-30 16:32:44 UTC
2016-08-25 16:38:59 UTC
You already know the answer, but are too naive to admit it!... When you finally decide to grow up, you won't have to ask such childish questions!
2016-08-27 07:35:21 UTC
Yes still very young her body wouldn't have full developed yet.
2016-08-26 16:38:36 UTC

Stop it now.

You know the reasons, they've been in the public arena for many a year.
2016-08-25 16:37:15 UTC
both are bad and can only lead to health problems later in life. trust me. i am paying the price for my wreckless teen years
2016-08-27 01:01:27 UTC
It is very bad.
2016-08-27 06:29:53 UTC
Yes don't smoke
Scarlet Redfox
2016-08-28 07:32:18 UTC
Everything mentioned on your list are very harmful for everyone not only kids both both kids and adults
2016-08-26 17:53:38 UTC
Yes smoking ruins ur teeth making them yellow, smoking ruins vocal chords , and smoking weed kills your brain cells making you dumber
2016-08-26 10:44:52 UTC
Yes, especially if you want to be 15.
2016-08-27 17:31:37 UTC
Sounds like my twin !! Cigs are bad and destroy you slowly Pot helps open Arteries to let u breath after cigs have done there damage !! NO BS !!
2016-08-29 14:56:45 UTC
Yes and yes
2016-08-28 09:42:33 UTC
Salt and Peppy
2016-08-26 05:44:51 UTC
If you have to ask this question, then you have already killed too many brain cells. Keep doing what you're doing.
2016-08-26 14:10:21 UTC
Troll eh
md. rajib
2016-08-28 19:17:35 UTC
Is it bad? that a person who segregated or far away from creator.
2016-08-29 01:17:13 UTC
yes,it is very bad for your health .
2016-08-28 10:55:54 UTC
2016-08-28 08:45:18 UTC
cigarettes are bad for all ages
2016-08-27 22:30:58 UTC
2016-08-29 22:49:15 UTC
Well it sure isn't good. They all can lead to many health problems.
2016-08-27 07:34:42 UTC
2016-08-27 04:52:31 UTC
I would slow down a little bit .. Preserve my innocence a bit
2016-08-26 07:39:43 UTC
Yes it is. you have to quit before it's too late
2016-08-29 19:45:35 UTC
don't start smoking, just be done with it. i started early and it took me forever to quit, and now i have to worry about late life lung cancer and emphysema.
2016-08-26 04:23:18 UTC
Yes! yes ! Yes! ....cause you're gonna say the same thing to young kinds when you grow up
2016-08-27 03:41:29 UTC
You're 14... Go watch looney toons or something...
2016-08-27 21:18:25 UTC
2016-08-29 01:01:51 UTC
it is bad because it is not good for health .
2016-08-27 07:07:58 UTC
Yes because your brain is still developing
2016-08-27 02:33:14 UTC
Robert S
2016-08-27 11:24:12 UTC
It is unhealthy & causes cancer which shortens your life-span.

That is why it is against the law; it is bad for you.
2016-08-27 19:58:39 UTC
Yes it is
2016-08-26 23:57:04 UTC
Yes,it is bad.All these things harmful for health.
2016-08-27 16:35:33 UTC
smoking is very good for your health, especially for the girl who is 14 years old. it lengthen the live of human being
2016-08-30 12:51:56 UTC
2016-08-30 06:28:21 UTC
It's no good for the lungs
2016-08-28 22:17:54 UTC
Yes it is
2016-08-27 03:04:33 UTC
2016-08-25 18:38:52 UTC
im 12 and smoke weed and drink almost every day and im fine. NEVER SMOKE CIGARETTES THOUGH. cigarettes are just gross and you dont get high or drunk from them
2016-08-27 03:00:21 UTC
You have got many years ahead to do such - nothing to look forward to, if you do it now.
Richard English
2016-08-26 01:17:49 UTC
Alcohol in moderation is fine; cigarettes in any quantity will kill you.
2016-08-27 12:01:37 UTC
Yes it is. And having sex isn't good either.
2016-08-28 17:49:11 UTC
well last month I had a friend named Hannah, we slept together. She's nothing but trouble!!!!!!!!!!
mary uana
2016-08-29 19:51:50 UTC
No its not. keep it up kid. You're winning at life
2016-08-28 18:53:53 UTC
Is water wet
2016-08-26 09:49:56 UTC
Nah, it's perfectly normal. If you REALLY want to be cool, do heroin.
2016-08-28 15:15:46 UTC
Yes, yes, and yes is all you need to know my dear.
Harley Lady
2016-08-27 05:47:30 UTC
No if you don't mind the consequences
2016-08-29 02:22:01 UTC
Believe me,it will destroy your health,even your life.
2016-08-26 23:46:53 UTC
yes this is bed for all men and wonmens
2016-08-28 20:06:30 UTC
It means you're cool. You're a cool teen and your parents are total squares.

Thanks, I hope you liked my answer cool teen.
2016-08-30 23:32:20 UTC
Of course it is
2016-08-30 00:42:04 UTC
although i smoke and drink, i know i am not a good girl.
2016-08-27 09:03:07 UTC
yes to both.
2016-08-26 00:23:39 UTC
Not good you are so young
2016-08-26 14:43:47 UTC
Cigarettes and alcohol are hell on your body..
2016-08-28 14:46:36 UTC
why do you want to destroy your health at age 14???
2016-08-27 02:14:38 UTC
Yes, yes it is.
2016-08-27 15:53:42 UTC
It's awesome and sexy!
2016-08-27 15:26:28 UTC
Yes, yes, and yes.
2016-08-27 08:26:04 UTC
yes' of cours.
2016-08-29 00:27:47 UTC
most of cooling dring
2016-08-25 16:23:36 UTC
Yes. Yes it is.
Maddy Rose
2016-08-28 20:05:15 UTC
yes it is bad, and illegal.
2016-08-26 21:02:41 UTC
Yes, and yes. And yes!
2016-08-27 07:27:06 UTC
Your parents probably did it .. dont worry.
Dominga C.
2016-08-31 06:17:41 UTC
yes it is very bed
2016-08-30 21:01:27 UTC
2016-08-26 17:01:55 UTC
YES! stop now
2016-08-26 20:17:47 UTC
cigarettes and alcohol create cancer
2016-08-26 08:16:46 UTC
Not sure
2016-08-27 01:04:20 UTC
No its just FINE
2016-08-26 19:26:22 UTC
No, not at all! Are you kidding? (sarcasm)
2016-08-29 13:57:12 UTC
2016-08-26 14:09:03 UTC
The answer is no.
2016-08-27 09:28:14 UTC
continue if u want but u will die
2016-08-27 01:46:22 UTC
it is
2016-08-26 21:30:53 UTC
2016-08-27 12:55:49 UTC
2016-08-28 05:31:04 UTC
its terrible and its stupid
2016-08-26 18:15:02 UTC
2016-08-29 01:08:09 UTC
Do you not learn this **** in school wtf

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.